Lawrence Williams

Lawrence Williams Email and Phone Number

florida, united states

Lawrence Williams's Contact Information

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Lawrence Williams's Current Company Details

Blu Properties Inc.

florida, united states
Real Estate
Experienced Certified Family Teacher with a demonstrated history of working with at-risk youth in the mental health care industry. Skilled in Negotiation, Sales, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Retention, and Sales Management. Strong community and social services professional with a Bachelor of Science - focused in Psychology from Colorado Technical University.

Lawrence Williams Work Experience

Lawrence Williams Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lawrence Williams

What company does Lawrence Williams work for?

Lawrence Williams works for Blu Properties Inc.

What is Lawrence Williams's role in his/her workplace?

Lawrence Williams's role in his/her workplace is Realtor.

Which industry does Lawrence Williams work in currently?

Lawrence Williams works in the industry Real Estate.

What is Lawrence Williams's email address?

Lawrence Williams's email address is

What schools did Lawrence Williams attend?

Lawrence Williams attended Park West High School, Park West High School. and Colorado Technical University.

What is Lawrence Williams's role in his workplace?

Lawrence Williams has skills like Sales, Call Centers, Account Management, B2b, Customer Retention, Customer Satisfaction, Direct Sales, Sales Management, Customer Service, Hospitality, and Negotiation.

Who are Lawrence Williams's colleagues?

Lawrence Williams's colleagues are Sheila Harris, Sheila Harris, Chris Corry, Chris Corry, Stacey Driver, Stacey Driver, Natalie Ozark, Natalie Ozark, Alison Rogers, Alison Rogers, and Shelton Fersner. and Joe Washburn.

Who are Lawrence Williams's peers at other companies?

Lawrence Williams's peers at other companies are Elisabeth Halbig, Deborah Moscatello, Kareem Shereen, Christie Villafuerte, Gail Pearl, and Stephane Varennes. and Daniel Petros. Lawrence Williams's peers at other companies are Elisabeth Halbig, Deborah Moscatello, Kareem Shereen, Christie Villafuerte, Gail Pearl, and Stephane Varennes. and Daniel Petros.