Laurent Guimier

Laurent Guimier Email and Phone Number

Group Purchasing Manager @ Vaillant Group

Laurent Guimier's Contact Details

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Laurent Guimier's Current Company Details

Vaillant Group

Group Purchasing Manager
Renewables & Environment

Laurent Guimier Work Experience

Laurent Guimier Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Laurent Guimier

What company does Laurent Guimier work for?

Laurent Guimier works for Vaillant Group

What is Laurent Guimier's role in his/her workplace?

Laurent Guimier's role in his/her workplace is Group Purchasing Manager.

Which industry does Laurent Guimier work in currently?

Laurent Guimier works in the industry Renewables & Environment.

What is Laurent Guimier's email address?

Laurent Guimier's email address is

What schools did Laurent Guimier attend?

Laurent Guimier attended Insa Lyon - Institut National Des Sciences Appliquées De Lyon.

Who are Laurent Guimier's colleagues?

Laurent Guimier's colleagues are Nataliia Schäfer, Nataliia Schäfer, Murat Işık, Murat Işık, Jean Foissard, Jean Foissard, Can Salcan, Can Salcan, Serpil Yılmaz, Serpil Yılmaz, and Marius Gloger. and Reinhard Saschek.

Who are Laurent Guimier's peers at other companies?

Laurent Guimier's peers at other companies are Ryan Duff, Michael Mitchell, Megan O'brien, Kegan Slot, Debra Florence, and Rogério Eduardo. and David Munguia. Laurent Guimier's peers at other companies are Ryan Duff, Michael Mitchell, Megan O'brien, Kegan Slot, Debra Florence, and Rogério Eduardo. and David Munguia.