Laurence King

Laurence King Email and Phone Number

Principal Medical Physicist @ Royal United Hospital Bath
united kingdom

Laurence King's Current Company Details

Royal United Hospital Bath

Principal Medical Physicist
united kingdom
Hospital & Health Care
Experienced Physicist with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry. Strong interests in Computed Tomography, mammography and diagnostic radiology. Regularly involved in specification and procurement of imaging systems, and teaching at post-graduate level.

Laurence King Work Experience

Laurence King Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Laurence King

What company does Laurence King work for?

Laurence King works for Royal United Hospital Bath

What is Laurence King's role in his/her workplace?

Laurence King's role in his/her workplace is Principal Medical Physicist.

Which industry does Laurence King work in currently?

Laurence King works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What schools did Laurence King attend?

Laurence King attended The University Of Manchester, The University Of Manchester. University Of Warwick - Wmg, University Of Warwick - Wmg. and University Of Surrey.

What is Laurence King's role in his workplace?

Laurence King has skills like Hospitals, Clinical Research, Medical Imaging, Radiology, Medicine, Healthcare, and Patient Safety.

Who are Laurence King's peers at other companies?

Laurence King's peers at other companies are Gayle Flores, Suzanne Perlman, Dan Woodbridge, Lisa Ck, Mutasim Billah, and Kate Willeford. and Elba Colman. Laurence King's peers at other companies are Gayle Flores, Suzanne Perlman, Dan Woodbridge, Lisa Ck, Mutasim Billah, and Kate Willeford. and Elba Colman.