Katy Sautebin

Katy Sautebin Email and Phone Number

washington, district of columbia, united states

Katy Sautebin's Current Company Details


Accounting & Management Services, Llc

Payroll Specialist
washington, district of columbia, united states

Katy Sautebin Work Experience

  • ams-dc.com
    Fondatrice - Conseil En Ressources Humaines
    Exigens Katy Grosfillier End date missing
  • ams-dc.com
    Payroll Specialist
    Accounting & Management Services, Llc Sep 17 - Present · 7 yrs 4 mos
    Washington, District Of Columbia, United States

Katy Sautebin Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Katy Sautebin

What company does Katy Sautebin work for?

Katy Sautebin works for Accounting & Management Services, Llc

What is Katy Sautebin's role in his/her workplace?

Katy Sautebin's role in his/her workplace is Payroll Specialist.

Which industry does Katy Sautebin work in currently?

Katy Sautebin works in the industry Accounting.

What schools did Katy Sautebin attend?

Katy Sautebin attended University Of Geneva.

Who are Katy Sautebin's colleagues?

Katy Sautebin's colleagues are Hector Rivera, Hector Rivera, Sonia Camozzato, Sonia Camozzato, Catherina Benz, Catherina Benz, Arlene Gauthier, Arlene Gauthier, Catherina Guerin, Catherina Guerin, and Amélie Demolis. and Emilie Courteix.

Who are Katy Sautebin's peers at other companies?

Katy Sautebin's peers at other companies are Clifford Wasserman, Tamara Joksić, Eliane Nunes, Lorenzo Giannoni, Merlin Xavier, and Barun Mondal. and Denzel Agyekum. Katy Sautebin's peers at other companies are Clifford Wasserman, Tamara Joksić, Eliane Nunes, Lorenzo Giannoni, Merlin Xavier, and Barun Mondal. and Denzel Agyekum.