Katka Zizkova

Katka Zizkova Email and Phone Number

Profesionální Klientský Servis @ Dobrý Web
praha, czechia

Katka Zizkova's Current Company Details


Dobrý Web

Profesionální Klientský Servis
praha, czechia
Marketing And Advertising

Katka Zizkova Work Experience

  • dobryweb.cz
    Profesionální Klientský Servis
    Praha, Czechia

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Frequently Asked Questions about Katka Zizkova

What company does Katka Zizkova work for?

Katka Zizkova works for Dobrý Web

What is Katka Zizkova's role in his/her workplace?

Katka Zizkova's role in his/her workplace is Profesionální Klientský Servis.

Which industry does Katka Zizkova work in currently?

Katka Zizkova works in the industry Marketing And Advertising.

Who are Katka Zizkova's colleagues?

Katka Zizkova's colleagues are Roland Lakatos, Roland Lakatos, Lucie Žáková, Lucie Žáková, Luboš Plotěný, Luboš Plotěný, Eliška Doležalová, Eliška Doležalová, Andrea Bujackova, Andrea Bujackova, and Tuan Pham. and Luboš Člověk.

Who are Katka Zizkova's peers at other companies?

Katka Zizkova's peers at other companies are Safa Rana, Christie O'reilly, Puan Guerra, Marén Belger, Relax Info, and Tridiani Susilawati. and Aaron Knapp. Katka Zizkova's peers at other companies are Safa Rana, Christie O'reilly, Puan Guerra, Marén Belger, Relax Info, and Tridiani Susilawati. and Aaron Knapp.