Katelyn Frankis

Katelyn Frankis Email and Phone Number

north carolina, united states

Katelyn Frankis's Current Company Details


Surry County Emergency Services

north carolina, united states
Public Safety

Katelyn Frankis Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Katelyn Frankis

What company does Katelyn Frankis work for?

Katelyn Frankis works for Surry County Emergency Services

What is Katelyn Frankis's role in his/her workplace?

Katelyn Frankis's role in his/her workplace is Paramedic.

Which industry does Katelyn Frankis work in currently?

Katelyn Frankis works in the industry Public Safety.

Who are Katelyn Frankis's colleagues?

Katelyn Frankis's colleagues are Christy Hodges, Christy Hodges, Jeremy Luffman, Jeremy Luffman, Devin Hester, Devin Hester, Mary Hawks, Mary Hawks, Marquise Smith, Marquise Smith, and Una Freeman. and Dawn Osborne.

Who are Katelyn Frankis's peers at other companies?

Katelyn Frankis's peers at other companies are Frank Zhu, Laura Trapani, Sue Cooper, Jip Schepers, Tiffany Khoo, and Donna Strickland. and Jose Ranilson. Katelyn Frankis's peers at other companies are Frank Zhu, Laura Trapani, Sue Cooper, Jip Schepers, Tiffany Khoo, and Donna Strickland. and Jose Ranilson.