Justin Foley

Justin Foley Email and Phone Number

austin, texas, united states

Justin Foley's Contact Details

Justin Foley work email

Justin Foley personal email


Justin Foley's Current Company Details


Alamo Drafthouse Cinema

austin, texas, united states
Reliable motivated professional with a strong work ethic and determination to contribute to company success. Good problem solving and communication skills. Demonstrated ability to work effectively in teams and on my own. History of working in the music industry with a Bachelor of Science focused in Recording Arts from Full Sail University.

Justin Foley Work Experience

  • drafthouse.com
    Outdoor Staff
    Hampshire Greens Golf Course Jul 12 - Sep 13 · 1 yr 2 mos
    Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
    Responsible for maintaining the golf carts, sending groups out at their reserved tee time, and practicing excellent customer service to the guests.
  • drafthouse.com
    The Atlantic Light Jan 11 - Sep 13 · 2 yrs 8 mos
    Scheduled time for rehearsal, traveled to live performances, spent hours in studios writing and recording and networked to promote the band.
  • drafthouse.com
    Spoto'S Oyster Bar 2015 - 2016 · 1 yr
  • drafthouse.com
    Runner And Assistant Engineer
    Paramount Recording Studios Mar 16 - Jul 18 · 2 yrs 4 mos
    Paramount provides state-of-the-art recording spaces at competitive prices for all manner of clients from budget-conscious producers and musicians to top recording artists. Facilities include 8 studios: one large tracking/mixing studio with an 80 channel SSL 9000J with Ultimation, a mixing/overdub studio with a 56 channel SSL 6000E/G, a mixing/overdub studio with a 40 channel SSL 4000E/G, a mastering studio, and 4 pre-production studios for in-house producers to use. Responsibilities included: Ensuring the smooth and professional operation of studios and recording sessions, prepping studios prior to clients arrival, setting up vintage microphones and million dollar soundboards prior to sessions, providing clients with excellent customer service ensuring a first-rate recording session, collecting session payments, opening and closing studios on time, ensuring studios are well-kept, organizing booking information and acting as studio security after session hours.
  • drafthouse.com
    Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Jul 19 - Present · 5 yrs 7 mos
    Austin, Texas, United States
    Responsibilities include: Providing excellent customer service, familiarizing guests with menu and specials, accurately recording food and drink orders, running multi-course meals to guests, tallying bills and handling payment, and cleaning and maintaining theaters.

Justin Foley Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Justin Foley

What company does Justin Foley work for?

Justin Foley works for Alamo Drafthouse Cinema

What is Justin Foley's role in his/her workplace?

Justin Foley's role in his/her workplace is Server.

Which industry does Justin Foley work in currently?

Justin Foley works in the industry Entertainment.

What is Justin Foley's email address?

Justin Foley's email address is justin.foley@drafthouse.com

What schools did Justin Foley attend?

Justin Foley attended Sandy Spring Friends School, Sandy Spring Friends School. and Full Sail University.

What is Justin Foley's role in his workplace?

Justin Foley has skills like Music, Social Media, Music Production, Powerpoint, Piano, Songwriting, Music Theory, Adobe Photoshop, Logic Pro X, Pro Tools, and Final Cut Pro.

Who are Justin Foley's colleagues?

Justin Foley's colleagues are Zachary Nava, Zachary Nava, Tim Richard, Tim Richard, Sofia Nasser, Sofia Nasser, Bailey Washington, Bailey Washington, Jacob Kendall, Jacob Kendall, and Brittanie Martinez. and Cain Cooper.

Who are Justin Foley's peers at other companies?

Justin Foley's peers at other companies are Martina Fernanda, Robin Gallagher, Charles Mason, Allison Taylor, Jami Newstrom, and Jonathan Andersson. and Matt Skiena. Justin Foley's peers at other companies are Martina Fernanda, Robin Gallagher, Charles Mason, Allison Taylor, Jami Newstrom, and Jonathan Andersson. and Matt Skiena.