Joyce Cervi

Joyce Cervi Email and Phone Number

Analista De Teste @ Mercanet For Sales Management
caxias do sul, rio grande do sul, brazil

Joyce Cervi's Current Company Details

Mercanet For Sales Management

Analista De Teste
caxias do sul, rio grande do sul, brazil
Computer Software

Joyce Cervi Work Experience

    Vendas Internas
    Progeral Clamps Feb 15 - May 15 · 3 mos
    Iperó, Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Test Analyst
    Caxias Do Sul, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil
    * Use Case Analysis * Creation of scenarios/environments for testing * Application of manual functionality tests * Test application in SQL Server database * Execution of tests for bug fixes * Preparation of Test Cases.
    Personal Assistant
    Pryor Global Apr 19 - Jul 20 · 1 yr 3 mos
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
    * Payroll calculations and conference, terminations, vacations, collection of contributions * Updating employee records * Direct customer service * Electronic timesheet control * Assistance with administrative demands.
    Administrative Assistant
    Pryor Global Aug 17 - Mar 19 · 1 yr 7 mos
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
    * Customer and company billing * Control of accounts payable and receivable * Issuance of invoices * Reporting * Inventory control of office supplies, pantry, hygiene and cleaning * Routines linked to the personnel department sector * Among other demands of administrative routines.
    Tatuí, Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Analista De Teste
    Mercanet For Sales Management Jan 22 - Present · 3 yrs 1 mo
    Caxias Do Sul, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil
    Product Assistant
    Pryor Global Jul 20 - Jan 22 · 1 yr 6 mos
    Sao Paulo, Brazil
    * Conducting manual tests aimed at the user experience (UX) * Application of functional testing, usability and regression * Preparation of technical documentation about the Product * Direct customer service, following the end-to-end strategy * Internal and external communication about product updates * Analysis and conference of monthly billing * Preparation of commercial proposals and additives.

Joyce Cervi Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Joyce Cervi

What company does Joyce Cervi work for?

Joyce Cervi works for Mercanet For Sales Management

What is Joyce Cervi's role in his/her workplace?

Joyce Cervi's role in his/her workplace is Analista De Teste.

Which industry does Joyce Cervi work in currently?

Joyce Cervi works in the industry Computer Software.

What schools did Joyce Cervi attend?

Joyce Cervi attended Iterasys, Iterasys. Faculdade Sudoeste Paulista Tatuí, Faculdade Sudoeste Paulista Tatuí. and Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas.

Who are Joyce Cervi's colleagues?

Joyce Cervi's colleagues are Wilian Colla, Wilian Colla, Alisson Duarte, Alisson Duarte, Liziane Rodrigues, Liziane Rodrigues, Juliano De Souza, Juliano De Souza, Carlos Roque, Carlos Roque, and Tiago Brambilla. and Nilton Camargo.

Who are Joyce Cervi's peers at other companies?

Joyce Cervi's peers at other companies are Matt Pongratz, Enzo Yago, Zhikun Xie, Mukesh Singh, Nguyen Phong, and James Percival. and Ritu Shukla. Joyce Cervi's peers at other companies are Matt Pongratz, Enzo Yago, Zhikun Xie, Mukesh Singh, Nguyen Phong, and James Percival. and Ritu Shukla.