Evan Jing

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Bank Of China Investment Management

Fund Manager
Financial Services
Experienced Mutual Fund Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the investment management industry. Skilled in Python, Excel, PowerPoint, Market Research, English and Japanese. Strong finance professional with a Master of Arts (M.A.) focused in Finance, General from Peking University.

Evan Jing Work Experience

  • bocim.com
    Fund Manager
    Bank Of China Investment Management Jan 20 - Present · 5 yrs
    1. To-be fund manager of several equity- and gold-tracking quantitative mutual index funds2. Conducted industry research on new energy, photovoltaic, TMT and nonferrous metals1. 拟任公募量化股票指数基金、黄金ETF基金经理2. 对新能源、光伏、有色金属、TMT等行业进行行业研究,挖掘储备产品
  • bocim.com
    Fund Manager
    Sws Mu Fund Management Jan 17 - Dec 19 · 2 yrs 11 mos
    1. Portfolio manager in charge of 8 mutual funds & ETF: CSI 300 Value (310398), CSSW Health LOF (163119), National Defense (163115), Electronics (163116), Media (163117), Healthcare (163118), SSE 50 ETF (510600), CSI R&D 100 ETF (515200)2. Minimized trading costs and impacts on the market from fund creation/redemption through intraday timing and data analysis3. Minimized tracking error during constituent adjustment periods of all managed funds by discretion over various market circumstances4. Developed and backtested multifactor models, event-driven and machine learning / deep learning strategies on basis of Python1. 先后负责管理8只公募指数基金与ETF基金:沪深300价值(310398)、申万新兴健康LOF(163119)、军工分级(163115)、电子分级(163116)、传媒分级(163117)、医药分级(163118)、上证50ETF(510600)、研发创新100ETF(515200)2. 通过日内择时与数据分析,合理应对大额申购赎回,充分降低市场冲击成本等损耗3. 根据市场具体情况,在成份股调整期择时换仓,有效减少相对标的指数的跟踪误差4. 基于Python,进行多因子模型、事件驱动、机器深度学习算法等策略的开发与回测 Show less
  • bocim.com
    Quantitative Analyst
    China Asset Management Co., Ltd. Jul 12 - Jul 13 · 1 yr
    Dongcheng District, Beijing, China
    1. Studied feasible algorithms of Granger causality test and multivariate logistic regression. Developed a timing model based on it, with 74.2% accuracy for SSE Composite Index and 70% for rotational investment in (a)cyclical equities2. Accelerated a vital in-use algorithm significantly to the benefit of fund managers, shortening the run time from 1-2 hrs to < 20 secs3. Assessed tracking error of mock Hang Seng Index ETF performance. Research suggestions approved by division VP and referenced in HSI ETF distribution1. 通过研究 Granger 检验与 Logistic 回归的 Matlab 算法实现,设计开发宏观因子择时模型,选出的因子组预测沪指涨跌正确率达 74.2%,预测周期轮动正确率达 70.0%;2. 将部门一个重要在产模型的算法进行了加速优化,成功将原 1-2 小时的运行时间缩短至 20 秒以内,极大提升了基金经理的工作效率;3. 在恒生指数 ETF 发行之前,编程研究恒指跟踪误差,得到适宜的最小申赎净值等方案并被部门经理采纳。 Show less
  • bocim.com
    Ibd Intern
    Citic Securities Company Limited Jul 11 - Aug 11 · 1 mo
    Beijing, China
    * 1. Joined an IPO project of a leading securities company. Constructed industry * databases, prepared the analyst presentation material, and assisted in revising the * prospectus and reports submitted to CSRC * 2. Built the 1st comprehensive financial model of a steel company with revenue * breakdowns, saving working hours by 80%. Did further research on comparable * energy companies in the international metal trading business * 3. Joined a private placement project of a large power company and communicated with * its management during due diligence. Assisted in organizing issue list, writing and * revising DD reports and sponsor reports, and prepared investor info memos * 4. Accomplished an in-depth report on land compliance issue solutions independently * 1. 参与某证券公司 IPO 项目,负责建立证券行业综合比较数据库,协助制作分析师演 * 示会材料,修改招股说明书及报送证监会材料等; * 2. 建立某钢铁公司的第一个综合估值财务模型,并进行利润细分分析; * 3. 基于各类公开资料,寻找某能源公司在金属进出口贸易方面的对标公司并初步比较; * 4. 参与某大型电力公司非公开发行 A 股项目的尽职调查前期交流会;协助整理问题清 * 单、撰写并校订财务及法律尽调报告、保荐工作报告等;为客户公司及投资者制作 * 信息备忘录、备查数据库; * 5. 独立完成房屋与土地关系深度研究《房屋土地相关合规问题释疑》。
  • bocim.com
    Quantitative Analyst
    Ubs Sdic Fund Management Company Limited Aug 13 - Dec 16 · 3 yrs 4 mos
    Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
    * 1. Developed several successful equity investment strategies, with 10%+ annual return with 3%- drawdown in real trading in China equity markets2. Involved in development of an internal monitoring system, unraveled ~40 major bugs and hidden mistakes, ensuring correct and efficient trading for portfolio managers3. Routine risk management and analysis of ETF/enhanced index funds1. 研究开发了多因子、事件驱动等几类量化选股策略并构建策略池,样本外年化超额收益10%+,最大回撤小于3%;积极参与股指与个股期权模拟交易及策略研发2. 参与开发部门指数基金(含ETF)日内风险监控与日终清单制作系统,全程参与测试并提出40余项程序主要功能问题及相应的改正措施,目前该系统已供实盘使用3. 熟练应用恒生O32系统进行指数基金参数设置、风险监控,确立ETF操作规章 Show less

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Frequently Asked Questions about Evan Jing

What company does Evan Jing work for?

Evan Jing works for Bank Of China Investment Management

What is Evan Jing's role in his/her workplace?

Evan Jing's role in his/her workplace is Fund Manager.

Which industry does Evan Jing work in currently?

Evan Jing works in the industry Financial Services.

What is Evan Jing's email address?

Evan Jing's email address is xieyixiao@gmail.com

What schools did Evan Jing attend?

Evan Jing attended Peking University, Peking University. and Tsinghua University.

What are some of Evan Jing's interests?

Evan Jing has interests in Photography, Photography. Music, Music. Computer Technologies, Computer Technologies. Investment, Investment. and Movies.

Who are Evan Jing's colleagues?

Evan Jing's colleagues are Haiqing Yue, Haiqing Yue, Shiyao Liu, Shiyao Liu, Zeyang Wang, Zeyang Wang, Wenzhao Zhang, Wenzhao Zhang, Lee Jaehyuk, Lee Jaehyuk, and Shirley Cui. and Mengfei Guo.

Who are Evan Jing's peers at other companies?

Evan Jing's peers at other companies are Shailaja Narvekar, Edemir De Jesus Abrunhosa, Susan Manzanares, Sanyam Sah, Vinod Verma, and Caroline Christensen. and Ian Sullivan. Evan Jing's peers at other companies are Shailaja Narvekar, Edemir De Jesus Abrunhosa, Susan Manzanares, Sanyam Sah, Vinod Verma, and Caroline Christensen. and Ian Sullivan.