Jim Fitzpatrick

Jim Fitzpatrick Email and Phone Number

Team Lead @ Epic
verona, wisconsin, united states

Jim Fitzpatrick's Contact Details

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Team Lead
verona, wisconsin, united states
Computer Software
I support and implement interfaces for Epic, but I try not to be a typical interface engineer. I used to be a sociolinguist and studied language variation, so I wonder how we can bridge the gap between abstract standards and everyday integrations on the ground to simplify the process of exchanging extremely complex clinical data. If you want to talk about seeing data exchange through a different lens, feel free to reach out.

Jim Fitzpatrick Work Experience

  • epic.com
    Integration Engineer
    Epic End date missing
    Verona, Wisconsin, United States
    * As of May 2021, point person for strategy and execution of population health integrations and interoperability in Epic's EDI division - Prominent contributor to Epic's COVID-19 response: shepherded design and development of lab and vaccine reporting via interfaces and vaccine credentialing via Epic's patient portal; developed comprehensive implementation guidelines for customers; worked extensively with other vendors, standards bodies, and public health entities (CDC, state departments of health, etc.) to improve standards for public health reporting - Broad experience providing technical support and project management on integrations spanning dozens of different healthcare organizations, vendors, standards, formats, products, and use cases - Significant expertise in clinical interfaces: laboratory, pathology, microbiology and infection control, blood products, vaccinations, radiology, and cardiology
  • epic.com
    Phd Student, Instructor, Researcher
    University Of Pittsburgh Aug 11 - Dec 18 · 7 yrs 4 mos
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
    Currently pursuing a PhD in linguistics while serving as a researcher on my advisor's project on the language of Internet communities, specifically Reddit. Engaged in independent research on sociophonetic variation in Puerto Rican Spanish and dialects of English in Ohio. Samples of my published work, conference papers, and posters can be found on my website at the link below. For Summer 2014, I was also employed as a Teaching Fellow in the Pitt Department of Linguistics, and am teaching Introduction to Linguistics as an instructor of record.
  • epic.com
    Lecturing Fellow
    Duke University Aug 07 - May 10 · 2 yrs 9 mos
    Durham, North Carolina, United States
    Instructor of record for entire four-semester sequence of Spanish for Duke undergrads since fall semester 2007. Also taught advanced composition seminar for majors and minors. Instructor of record for introduction to linguistics since Spring semester 2008. Also teaching advanced course on language variation in Spring 2010. Adviser to Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow for project on politics and translation in Modern Arabic. Publications include one book chapter, one journal article, one magazine article, and a book review. Have also given several invited guest lectures regarding gender and language. Have one invited workshop presentation on the use of the iPod as a pedagogical tool in the foreign language classroom. Numerous conference presentations given at national and international conferences on linguistics.
  • epic.com
    Team Lead
    Epic Jul 19 - Present · 5 yrs 7 mos
    Verona, Wisconsin, United States
    Direct manager of integration engineers; responsible for day-to-day management, ongoing performance review, mentoring, and matching engineers to projects to promote team member growth and maximize success for customers and internal projects - Mentor to new team leads

Jim Fitzpatrick Education

  • epic.com
    Sandwich High School
  • epic.com
    Master Of Arts in Linguistics 2003 - 2005
  • epic.com
    University Of Pittsburgh
    Doctor Of Philosophy in Philosophy 2014 - 2016
  • epic.com
    University Of Pittsburgh
    Master Of Arts in Linguistics 2011 - 2014
  • epic.com
    Bachelor Of Arts in Spanish Language 1999 - 2003

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jim Fitzpatrick

What company does Jim Fitzpatrick work for?

Jim Fitzpatrick works for Epic

What is Jim Fitzpatrick's role in his/her workplace?

Jim Fitzpatrick's role in his/her workplace is Team Lead.

Which industry does Jim Fitzpatrick work in currently?

Jim Fitzpatrick works in the industry Computer Software.

What is Jim Fitzpatrick's email address?

Jim Fitzpatrick's email address is jfitz@alumni.duke.edu

What is Jim Fitzpatrick's direct phone number?

Jim Fitzpatrick's direct phone number is +16083815130

What schools did Jim Fitzpatrick attend?

Jim Fitzpatrick attended Sandwich High School, Sandwich High School. North Carolina State University, North Carolina State University. University Of Pittsburgh, University Of Pittsburgh. University Of Pittsburgh, University Of Pittsburgh. and Duke University.

What are some of Jim Fitzpatrick's interests?

Jim Fitzpatrick has interests in College Basketball, College Basketball. Guitar, Guitar. Linguistics, Linguistics. Reading, Reading. Running, Running. and Open Source Computing.

Who are Jim Fitzpatrick's colleagues?

Jim Fitzpatrick's colleagues are Binjil Mupo, Binjil Mupo, Cassandra Hickman, Cassandra Hickman, John Campbell, John Campbell, Lauren Crosley, Lauren Crosley, Stevin Felois, Stevin Felois, and Brandon Czekay. and Megan Volker.

Who are Jim Fitzpatrick's peers at other companies?

Jim Fitzpatrick's peers at other companies are Mohammad Mudassar, Ron Johnson, Yajing Wei, Concha Obregón, Jessica Vega, and Tom Hope. and Ravikant Ojha. Jim Fitzpatrick's peers at other companies are Mohammad Mudassar, Ron Johnson, Yajing Wei, Concha Obregón, Jessica Vega, and Tom Hope. and Ravikant Ojha.