Jessica Peebles

Jessica Peebles Email and Phone Number

Project Coordinator @ Hold Thyssen
winter park, florida, united states

Jessica Peebles's Contact Details

Jessica Peebles work email

Jessica Peebles personal email

Jessica Peebles phone numbers

Jessica Peebles's Current Company Details

Hold Thyssen

Project Coordinator
winter park, florida, united states
Real Estate
Volunteer Experience: - Arnold Palmer Invitational, 2011 - Open Airways for Schools Facilitator, The American Lung Association, 2011 - Open Books Open Minds Conference, Florida Literacy Coalition, 2011 - Taste of Oviedo, Oviedo Chamber of Commerce, 2006-2010 - Seminole and Orange County Public Schools Dividend - Cheerleading Coach, Winter Springs Pop Warner, 2003 Specialties: - Verbal, written and interpersonal communication skills - Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Outlook - Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, FourSquare and YouTube - Cash handling (training and experience) - Customer service skills - Meeting Matrix

Jessica Peebles Work Experience

    Customer Service Staff
    Publix Super Markets Feb 02 - Jun 14 · 12 yrs 4 mos
    Lakeland, Florida, United States
    Event Intern
    American Lung Association Jan 11 - May 11 · 4 mos
    Chicago, Illinois, United States
    Foundation Event Intern
    Orlando Health Jul 11 - Dec 11 · 5 mos
    Orlando, Florida, United States
    Project Coordinator
    Hold Thyssen Jun 13 - Present · 11 yrs 8 mos
    Winter Park, Florida, United States

Jessica Peebles Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jessica Peebles

What company does Jessica Peebles work for?

Jessica Peebles works for Hold Thyssen

What is Jessica Peebles's role in his/her workplace?

Jessica Peebles's role in his/her workplace is Project Coordinator.

Which industry does Jessica Peebles work in currently?

Jessica Peebles works in the industry Real Estate.

What is Jessica Peebles's email address?

Jessica Peebles's email address is

What is Jessica Peebles's direct phone number?

Jessica Peebles's direct phone number is +14076910505

What schools did Jessica Peebles attend?

Jessica Peebles attended University Of Central Florida.

What is Jessica Peebles's role in his workplace?

Jessica Peebles has skills like Facebook, Social Media, Microsoft Office, Event Planning, Microsoft Excel, and Customer Service.

Who are Jessica Peebles's colleagues?

Jessica Peebles's colleagues are Michelle Sampson, Michelle Sampson, Shannon Juliao, Shannon Juliao, Jennifer Atwal, Jennifer Atwal, Shannon Saunders, Shannon Saunders, Melissa Meloon, Melissa Meloon, and Richard Fisher. and Bob Hold.

Who are Jessica Peebles's peers at other companies?

Jessica Peebles's peers at other companies are Grace Bulalla, Si̇bel Özyurt, Marie-Noëlle C, Lisa Hoffman, Georganna Heatley, and Mariana Oliveira. and Kerri Ellegard. Jessica Peebles's peers at other companies are Grace Bulalla, Si̇bel Özyurt, Marie-Noëlle C, Lisa Hoffman, Georganna Heatley, and Mariana Oliveira. and Kerri Ellegard.