Jennifer Palcko

Jennifer Palcko Email and Phone Number

Sales And Marketing Executive Assistant @ Orleans Homebuilders
bensalem, pennsylvania, united states

Jennifer Palcko's Contact Details

Jennifer Palcko personal email

Jennifer Palcko phone numbers

Jennifer Palcko's Current Company Details

Orleans Homebuilders

Sales And Marketing Executive Assistant
bensalem, pennsylvania, united states
Real Estate
Sales/Marketing Executive Assistant at Orleans Homebuilders

Jennifer Palcko Work Experience

    Administrative Assistant
    Sorbee International 1998 - 2003 · 5 yrs
    Administrative Assistant
    Gmac 2005 - 2007 · 2 yrs
    Sales And Marketing Executive Assistant
    Bensalem, Pennsylvania, United States
    * Founded in 1918, Orleans Homes is one of the oldest continually operated homebuilders in the United States. Our company is committed to building thoughtfully designed homes and creating unique neighborhoods that cater to the way people live today. We currently build single-family homes, townhouses, and condominiums that range in price from the upper $170,000's - $1.5 million. It is currently building in 52 neighborhoods in ten distinct markets: Southeastern PA * Central and Southern NJ * Orange County, NY * Charlotte, Raleigh and Greensboro, NC * Richmond and Tidewater, VA * and Chicago Illinois. Orleans is headquartered outside of Philadelphia, PA and employs 170 associates. For more information visit

Jennifer Palcko Education

    Truman Senior High School

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jennifer Palcko

What company does Jennifer Palcko work for?

Jennifer Palcko works for Orleans Homebuilders

What is Jennifer Palcko's role in his/her workplace?

Jennifer Palcko's role in his/her workplace is Sales And Marketing Executive Assistant.

Which industry does Jennifer Palcko work in currently?

Jennifer Palcko works in the industry Real Estate.

What is Jennifer Palcko's email address?

Jennifer Palcko's email address is

What is Jennifer Palcko's direct phone number?

Jennifer Palcko's direct phone number is +18472328485

What schools did Jennifer Palcko attend?

Jennifer Palcko attended Truman Senior High School.

Who are Jennifer Palcko's colleagues?

Jennifer Palcko's colleagues are Betty O'neill, Betty O'neill, Randy Myers, Randy Myers, Jennifer Dickinson, Jennifer Dickinson, John White, John White, Sherry Zeheb, Sherry Zeheb, and Teri Oliver. and Laura Hesington.

Who are Jennifer Palcko's peers at other companies?

Jennifer Palcko's peers at other companies are Nina Di Mascio, Kristen Oot, Corey Wells, Nicolas Roussel, Kimberly Burke, and Luis Bueno. and John Nielsen. Jennifer Palcko's peers at other companies are Nina Di Mascio, Kristen Oot, Corey Wells, Nicolas Roussel, Kimberly Burke, and Luis Bueno. and John Nielsen.