Jeff Muss

Jeff Muss Email and Phone Number

President @ Sierra Engineering & Software

Jeff Muss's Contact Details

Jeff Muss personal email


Jeff Muss phone numbers

Jeff Muss's Current Company Details

Sierra Engineering & Software


Jeff Muss Work Experience

  • Senior Engineer
    Aerojet Rocketdyne 1985 - 1999 · 14 yrs
    Los Angeles, California, United States
    Combustion analysis, injector design and characterization. Project engineer for X-33 RCS engine. NK-33 characterization.
  • Advanced Propulsion Technologist
    Innovative Rocket Technologies End date missing
  • President
    Sierra Engineering & Software Jan 16 - Present · 9 yrs 1 mo
    Sierra Engineering & Software, Inc. builds on the legacy of Sierra Engineering Inc. (closed, April 2017). We provide our customers with detailed rocket propulsion analysis and design capabilities in a highly responsive manner. Our staff’s extensive experience with the analysis, design, fabrication and test of rocket engine components, and related high-energy devices, means that Sierra can quickly impact your propulsion development activities.
  • President
    Sierra Engineering 2000 - Apr 16 · 16 yrs 3 mos
    Sierra Engineering Inc. provides our customers with detailed rocket propulsion analysis and design capabilities in a highly responsive manner. Our staff’s extensive experience with the analysis, design, fabrication and test of rocket engine components, and related high-energy devices, means that Sierra can quickly impact your propulsion development activities.

Jeff Muss Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jeff Muss

What company does Jeff Muss work for?

Jeff Muss works for Sierra Engineering & Software

What is Jeff Muss's role in his/her workplace?

Jeff Muss's role in his/her workplace is President.

What is Jeff Muss's email address?

Jeff Muss's email address is

What is Jeff Muss's direct phone number?

Jeff Muss's direct phone number is +19163632995

What schools did Jeff Muss attend?

Jeff Muss attended University Of California, Berkeley, University Of California, Berkeley. University Of Miami, University Of Miami. Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology. and Tomsk Polytechnic University.

What are some of Jeff Muss's interests?

Jeff Muss has interests in Bicycling, Bicycling. Good Food, Good Food. Wine, Wine. and Beer.