Jeff Dillon

Jeff Dillon Email and Phone Number

Commercial Accounts Representative @ Unitis Contractor Supplies
san diego, california, united states

Jeff Dillon's Contact Information

Jeff Dillon work email

Jeff Dillon personal email


Jeff Dillon's Current Company Details

Unitis Contractor Supplies

Commercial Accounts Representative
san diego, california, united states

Jeff Dillon Work Experience

    Commercial Accounts Representative
    San Diego, California, United States
    UNITIS is a leading distributor of construction supplies and building materials. We stock a large inventory of hand and power tools, safety supplies and equipment, hardware and fasteners, and building materials. We deliver throughout Southern California and ship worldwide.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Jeff Dillon

What company does Jeff Dillon work for?

Jeff Dillon works for Unitis Contractor Supplies

What is Jeff Dillon's role in his/her workplace?

Jeff Dillon's role in his/her workplace is Commercial Accounts Representative.

Which industry does Jeff Dillon work in currently?

Jeff Dillon works in the industry Wholesale.

What is Jeff Dillon's email address?

Jeff Dillon's email address is

Who are Jeff Dillon's colleagues?

Jeff Dillon's colleagues are Richard Hayes, Richard Hayes, Angel Torres, Angel Torres, Ai Watanabe, Ai Watanabe, Arturo Serrano, Arturo Serrano, Michael Waning, Michael Waning, and Alyssa Donovan. and Andrew Barber.

Who are Jeff Dillon's peers at other companies?

Jeff Dillon's peers at other companies are Viviana Goris, Carmen Jacobs, Juraj Mikulášik, Scott Hilburn, Renata Volpini, and Antonio Fuentes. and David Spafford. Jeff Dillon's peers at other companies are Viviana Goris, Carmen Jacobs, Juraj Mikulášik, Scott Hilburn, Renata Volpini, and Antonio Fuentes. and David Spafford.