Janet Pryor

Janet Pryor Email and Phone Number

redmond, washington, united states

Janet Pryor's Contact Details

Janet Pryor work email

Janet Pryor personal email


Janet Pryor phone numbers

Janet Pryor's Current Company Details


Overlake Christian Church

redmond, washington, united states
Religious Institutions

Janet Pryor Work Experience

  • occ.org
    Taught 3-4Th Grades
    Brooklake School 1990 - 1996 · 6 yrs
  • occ.org
    Director Of Adult Education
    Overlake Christian Church 1997 - Feb 06 · 9 yrs 1 mo
    Redmond, Washington, United States
    Supervised 25 teachers each week teaching various classes. Taught and supervised with my husband, Dr. Gerald Pryor parenting classes and marriage classes. Supervised mentoring program for marriages.

Janet Pryor Education

  • occ.org
    William Tyndale College/Eastern Michigan University
    Bachelors in Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Janet Pryor

What company does Janet Pryor work for?

Janet Pryor works for Overlake Christian Church

Which industry does Janet Pryor work in currently?

Janet Pryor works in the industry Religious Institutions.

What is Janet Pryor's email address?

Janet Pryor's email address is janetp@occ.org

What is Janet Pryor's direct phone number?

Janet Pryor's direct phone number is +14258955929

What schools did Janet Pryor attend?

Janet Pryor attended William Tyndale College/eastern Michigan University.

What is Janet Pryor's role in his/her workplace?

Janet Pryor has skills like Teaching, Public Speaking, Non Profits, Volunteer Management, Leadership Development, Adult Education, Nonprofits, and Research.

Who are Janet Pryor's colleagues?

Janet Pryor's colleagues are Jose Lozada, Jose Lozada, Marta Santone, Marta Santone, David Wyatt, David Wyatt, Jodie Blemker, Jodie Blemker, Kathy Hammerstrom, Kathy Hammerstrom, and Neely Mcqueen. and Abbie Khan.

Who are Janet Pryor's peers at other companies?

Janet Pryor's peers at other companies are Anastasia Black, Mary House, Beverly Hollins, Cynthia Tarlow, Kathleen Wagner, and Mandy Van Bokhoven. and Arnie Ranney. Janet Pryor's peers at other companies are Anastasia Black, Mary House, Beverly Hollins, Cynthia Tarlow, Kathleen Wagner, and Mandy Van Bokhoven. and Arnie Ranney.