Heather Banta

Heather Banta Email and Phone Number

Business Systems Process Manager @ Pacific Sunwear
anaheim, california, united states

Heather Banta's Contact Details

Heather Banta personal email


Heather Banta phone numbers

Heather Banta's Current Company Details


Pacific Sunwear

Business Systems Process Manager
anaheim, california, united states

Heather Banta Work Experience

  • pacsun.com
    Senior Business Systems Analyst
    Anaheim, California, United States
    Since our first days as a Newport Beach surf shop, PacSun has been celebrating the creativity and diversity of California for more than 30 years. With over 600 stores across the United States and an impressive roster of coveted lifestyle brands and exclusive collections, PacSun offers a unique retail experience with elevated product for young men and women. Working with artists, designers, photographers, and other brand contributors, PacSun has emerged as a relevant source and authority on style, fashion and trends.
  • pacsun.com
    Business Systems Process Manager
    Anaheim, California, United States
    Since our first days as a Newport Beach surf shop, PacSun has been celebrating the creativity and diversity of California for more than 30 years. With over 600 stores across the United States and an impressive roster of coveted lifestyle brands and exclusive collections, PacSun offers a unique retail experience with elevated product for young men and women. Working with artists, designers, photographers, and other brand contributors, PacSun has emerged as a relevant source and authority on style, fashion and trends.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Heather Banta

What company does Heather Banta work for?

Heather Banta works for Pacific Sunwear

What is Heather Banta's role in his/her workplace?

Heather Banta's role in his/her workplace is Business Systems Process Manager.

Which industry does Heather Banta work in currently?

Heather Banta works in the industry Retail.

What is Heather Banta's email address?

Heather Banta's email address is tmphbanta@pacificsunwear.com

What is Heather Banta's direct phone number?

Heather Banta's direct phone number is +17144144819

Who are Heather Banta's colleagues?

Heather Banta's colleagues are Shamar Foster, Shamar Foster, Emily Cates, Emily Cates, Joanne Crawford, Joanne Crawford, Ruby Garcia, Ruby Garcia, Jon Rodriguez, Jon Rodriguez, and Joseph Rose. and Ashleigh Lambert.

Who are Heather Banta's peers at other companies?

Heather Banta's peers at other companies are Brad Myrand, Stephanie Fox, Chirathon Kaewsawang, John Martin, Juan Franco, and Keith Faust. and Magnus Johansson. Heather Banta's peers at other companies are Brad Myrand, Stephanie Fox, Chirathon Kaewsawang, John Martin, Juan Franco, and Keith Faust. and Magnus Johansson.