Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal

Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal Email and Phone Number

Postdoctoral Scientist @ Fachhochschule Bielefeld

Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal's Current Company Details


Fachhochschule Bielefeld

Postdoctoral Scientist
Autonomy and Dignity have a reciprocal relationship. Through my experience in both clinical nursing practice and research, I have committed myself to support older adults to stay autonomous. Adopting a Person-centered care approach to practice is my mission. Through interdisciplinary teamwork, I seek to merge healthcare science with advanced technology to develop and deliver integrated person-centered care services for older adults.

Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal Work Experience

  • fh-bielefeld.de
    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Bremen, Bremen, Germany
    I am excited to work in such a vibrant and highly interdisciplinary environment. At BIPS, I am responsible for the development, establishment, and implementation of the research focus on evaluation in the Leibniz Science Campus Bremen Digital Public Health (LSC DiPH). I seek to invest my skills in qualitative and quantitative research to address the unclear effectiveness of digital technologies for public health improvements.
  • fh-bielefeld.de
    Gerontological Nurse
    Lavida Pflegepartner Mar 21 - May 21 · 2 mos
    I am interested to work once again at the micro-level and deal with daily work responsibilities in the field of Gerontological nursing. As a gerontological nurse scientist interested in applying elderly-centered care, I invest my time and effort to actively speak with the elderly, colleagues, and the management staff about the needs, factors, and influences of transferring the research results into practice.
  • fh-bielefeld.de
    Postdoctoral Scientist
    Fachhochschule Bielefeld Jan 22 - Present · 3 yrs
  • fh-bielefeld.de
    Postdoctoral Fellow
    Universität Osnabrück Mar 18 - Feb 21 · 2 yrs 11 mos
    I am honored to get the scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, Germany. In the department of nursing science as a gerontologist and nursing scientist, I am working on the conception and evaluation of an individually tailored, digitally supported training program to improve cognitive functions in older people.

Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal

What company does Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal work for?

Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal works for Fachhochschule Bielefeld

What is Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal's role in his/her workplace?

Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal's role in his/her workplace is Postdoctoral Scientist.

Which industry does Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal work in currently?

Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal works in the industry Design.

What schools did Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal attend?

Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal attended Alexandria University, Alexandria University. Alexandria University, Alexandria University. The American University In Cairo, The American University In Cairo. Jami't Al - Ba'ath, Jami't Al - Ba'ath. and Tishreen University.

What is Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal's role in his workplace?

Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal has skills like Teaching, Teamwork, Clinical Research, Project Management, Research, Healthcare Management, Public Speaking, Healthcare, Patient Safety, Team Leadership, Strategic Planning, Tqm, Nursing, Public Health, and Hospitals.

Who are Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal's colleagues?

Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal's colleagues are Christian Hellert, Christian Hellert, Chris Deery, Chris Deery, Christian Engelmann, Christian Engelmann, Vu-Lâm Chung, Vu-Lâm Chung, Annette Nauerth, Annette Nauerth, and Miriam Hanitzsch. and Niclas Richter.

Who are Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal's peers at other companies?

Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal's peers at other companies are Anna Nielsen, Sigal Zamir, Mark Brabant, Andrew Belsey, Bénédicte Lemesle-Maitre, and Ratu Cabealawa. and Jennifer Gast. Dnsc Hatem Al Khayyal's peers at other companies are Anna Nielsen, Sigal Zamir, Mark Brabant, Andrew Belsey, Bénédicte Lemesle-Maitre, and Ratu Cabealawa. and Jennifer Gast.