Harish Raman

Harish Raman Email and Phone Number


Harish Raman's Current Company Details


Kkmsoft (P) Ltd.

Computer Software
Experienced Human Resources Manager with a demonstrated history of worked with various industires like IT, KPO/BPO and Manufacturing Industries. Strong human resources professional skilled in Recruitment, Talent Management, HR Operations, HR Automation and HR Statutory.

Harish Raman Work Experience

  • kkmsoft.com
    Human Resources Manager
    Kkmsoft (P) Ltd. May 22 - May 23 · 1 yr
    Talent Recruitment Analytics, HR BP, HR Operations
  • kkmsoft.com
    Human Resources
    Cognizant Nov 09 - Nov 14 · 5 yrs
    Teaneck, New Jersey, United States
    Sound Knowledge in Entire Core HR Operations
  • kkmsoft.com
    Human Resources Manager
    'Confidential' Nov 14 - Feb 18 · 3 yrs 3 mos

Harish Raman Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Harish Raman

What company does Harish Raman work for?

Harish Raman works for Kkmsoft (P) Ltd.

Which industry does Harish Raman work in currently?

Harish Raman works in the industry Computer Software.

What schools did Harish Raman attend?

Harish Raman attended D.g. Vaishnav College, D.g. Vaishnav College. and Swamy Vivekananda Education Trust.

What are some of Harish Raman's interests?

Harish Raman has interests in Civil Rights And Social Action, Civil Rights And Social Action. Human Rights, Human Rights. and Economic Empowerment.

Who are Harish Raman's colleagues?

Harish Raman's colleagues are Sharon Magdalene, Sharon Magdalene, Kalaivani R, Kalaivani R, Balamurugan P, Balamurugan P, Mahalakshmi Durai, Mahalakshmi Durai, Arut Selvan, Arut Selvan, and Mani Maran. and Mohammed Marvan.

Who are Harish Raman's peers at other companies?

Harish Raman's peers at other companies are Sainath Ithabhojana, Stéphanie Portier, Jamie Clout, Alexandre Brahimcha, Mark Heath, and Alexis Pasquier. and Carmen Rosu. Harish Raman's peers at other companies are Sainath Ithabhojana, Stéphanie Portier, Jamie Clout, Alexandre Brahimcha, Mark Heath, and Alexis Pasquier. and Carmen Rosu.