Ha Nguyen

Ha Nguyen Email and Phone Number

Lecturer @ Fpt University

Ha Nguyen's Current Company Details


Fpt University

Education Management

Ha Nguyen Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ha Nguyen

What company does Ha Nguyen work for?

Ha Nguyen works for Fpt University

What is Ha Nguyen's role in his/her workplace?

Ha Nguyen's role in his/her workplace is Lecturer.

Which industry does Ha Nguyen work in currently?

Ha Nguyen works in the industry Education Management.

Who are Ha Nguyen's colleagues?

Ha Nguyen's colleagues are Huy Dao, Huy Dao, Bình Văn, Bình Văn, Le Minh, Le Minh, Anh Thúy, Anh Thúy, Tran Vuong, Tran Vuong, and Xuan Quach. and Phạm Vinh.

Who are Ha Nguyen's peers at other companies?

Ha Nguyen's peers at other companies are Carlos Ross, Vaibhav Srivastava, Philip Chomak, Whitney Gray, Yudy Hernández, and Gerrie Hoogveld. and Martien De Haas. Ha Nguyen's peers at other companies are Carlos Ross, Vaibhav Srivastava, Philip Chomak, Whitney Gray, Yudy Hernández, and Gerrie Hoogveld. and Martien De Haas.