Ha Nguyen

Ha Nguyen Email and Phone Number

Software Engineer @ Ge
boston, massachusetts, united states

Ha Nguyen's Current Company Details



Software Engineer
boston, massachusetts, united states
Electrical/electronic Manufacturing

Ha Nguyen Work Experience

  • ge.com
    Software Engineer
    Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ha Nguyen

What company does Ha Nguyen work for?

Ha Nguyen works for Ge

What is Ha Nguyen's role in his/her workplace?

Ha Nguyen's role in his/her workplace is Software Engineer.

Which industry does Ha Nguyen work in currently?

Ha Nguyen works in the industry Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing.

Who are Ha Nguyen's colleagues?

Ha Nguyen's colleagues are Ashok Gupta, Ashok Gupta, Anil Pandit, Anil Pandit, Sarina Wiegman, Sarina Wiegman, Nicolas Gadacz, Nicolas Gadacz, Morgan Tobin, Morgan Tobin, and David Mcclelland. and Mengmeng Dou.

Who are Ha Nguyen's peers at other companies?

Ha Nguyen's peers at other companies are Cherry Jiang, Gehad Sedik, Jerry Hock, Fabiola Garcia, Fred Shen, and Prabakaran M. and Aracely Nunez. Ha Nguyen's peers at other companies are Cherry Jiang, Gehad Sedik, Jerry Hock, Fabiola Garcia, Fred Shen, and Prabakaran M. and Aracely Nunez.