Georgios Dalgkitsis

Georgios Dalgkitsis Email and Phone Number

Business Development Manager @ Xenios Group
marietta, georgia, united states

Georgios Dalgkitsis's Current Company Details

Xenios Group

Business Development Manager
marietta, georgia, united states

Georgios Dalgkitsis Work Experience

    Business Development Manager
    Marietta, Georgia, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Georgios Dalgkitsis

What company does Georgios Dalgkitsis work for?

Georgios Dalgkitsis works for Xenios Group

What is Georgios Dalgkitsis's role in his/her workplace?

Georgios Dalgkitsis's role in his/her workplace is Business Development Manager.

Which industry does Georgios Dalgkitsis work in currently?

Georgios Dalgkitsis works in the industry Hospitality.

Who are Georgios Dalgkitsis's colleagues?

Georgios Dalgkitsis's colleagues are Georgios Dalgkitsis, Georgios Dalgkitsis, Thanos Chatzinikolaou, Thanos Chatzinikolaou, Nikos Stafylidis, Nikos Stafylidis, Angelos Evans, Angelos Evans, Tasos Sotiropoulos, Tasos Sotiropoulos, and Larry Birnbaum. and Dimitrios Zagkakis.

Who are Georgios Dalgkitsis's peers at other companies?

Georgios Dalgkitsis's peers at other companies are Vinayak Hannurkar, Lusanda Masixole, Susanna Uccheddu, Lusha Brown, Tori Day, and Aristea Louka. and Sheri Ryan. Georgios Dalgkitsis's peers at other companies are Vinayak Hannurkar, Lusanda Masixole, Susanna Uccheddu, Lusha Brown, Tori Day, and Aristea Louka. and Sheri Ryan.