Gaurav Kumar

Gaurav Kumar Email and Phone Number

Marketing Specialist @ Nirmal Seeds International

Gaurav Kumar's Current Company Details

Nirmal Seeds International Pvt.Ltd.

Marketing Specialist

Gaurav Kumar Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Gaurav Kumar

What company does Gaurav Kumar work for?

Gaurav Kumar works for Nirmal Seeds International

What is Gaurav Kumar's role in his/her workplace?

Gaurav Kumar's role in his/her workplace is Marketing Specialist.

Which industry does Gaurav Kumar work in currently?

Gaurav Kumar works in the industry Biotechnology.

Who are Gaurav Kumar's colleagues?

Gaurav Kumar's colleagues are Vijay Thakur, Vijay Thakur, Utterkrushi Dilip, Utterkrushi Dilip, Mahesh Patil, Mahesh Patil, Nirmal Jabalpur, Nirmal Jabalpur, Pankaj Kumar, Pankaj Kumar, and Vaishali Suryawanshi. and Devendra Hanwat.

Who are Gaurav Kumar's peers at other companies?

Gaurav Kumar's peers at other companies are Simone Canta, Liz Cooke, Laurent Bagnol, Beni Pal, Emma Muller, and Carlos Monge. and Ron Gant. Gaurav Kumar's peers at other companies are Simone Canta, Liz Cooke, Laurent Bagnol, Beni Pal, Emma Muller, and Carlos Monge. and Ron Gant.