Elizabeth Hendricks

Elizabeth Hendricks Email and Phone Number

Spiritual Life Coach @ Dr Elizabeth Hendricks

Elizabeth Hendricks's Contact Information

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Elizabeth Hendricks's Current Company Details

Dr Elizabeth Hendricks

Spiritual Life Coach
My educational background includes a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. I worked in private practice as a Trauma Therapist in the Portland Area. I then attended Marylhurst University where I took classes in the fine arts, with emphasis on painting. I paint exclusively in oils and have won several awards for my Abstract paintings, most recently in October 2012, when my work was a finalist in in the"Day of the Dead" competition at Infinity Gallery. I am a member of Northwest Oil Painters Guild.

Elizabeth Hendricks Work Experience

  • Spiritual Life Coach
    Dr Elizabeth Hendricks Jan 84 - Present · 41 yrs
    I work as a spiritual life coach. I specialize in helping people who feel stuck in their personal growth and need a lifeline out of their morass. My practice is all online, with clients all over the world, including Australia, Turkey, Australia, UK and far East. I originally worked as a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in Lake Oswego, Oregon, specializing in trauma work.

Elizabeth Hendricks Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Elizabeth Hendricks

What company does Elizabeth Hendricks work for?

Elizabeth Hendricks works for Dr Elizabeth Hendricks

What is Elizabeth Hendricks's role in his/her workplace?

Elizabeth Hendricks's role in his/her workplace is Spiritual Life Coach.

What is Elizabeth Hendricks's email address?

Elizabeth Hendricks's email address is lizzyhendricks@mac.com

What is Elizabeth Hendricks's direct phone number?

Elizabeth Hendricks's direct phone number is +15037057085

What schools did Elizabeth Hendricks attend?

Elizabeth Hendricks attended Trinity University, Trinity University. Pacific University, Pacific University. Marylhurst University, Marylhurst University. Portland State University, Portland State University. and Pacific University.

What are some of Elizabeth Hendricks's interests?

Elizabeth Hendricks has interests in Horses, Horses. Art, Art. Classical And Rock Music, Classical And Rock Music. Painting, Painting. and Travel.