Elizabeth Muss

Elizabeth Muss Email and Phone Number

Cardiologist @ Dr Elizabeth C Muss

Elizabeth Muss's Current Company Details

Dr Elizabeth C Muss


Elizabeth Muss Work Experience

  • Cardiologist
    Dr Elizabeth C Muss May 75 - Present · 49 yrs 9 mos
    Her office has a fully equipped vascular lab with technologists from New York Presbytcrian Hospital Weill Cornell Medical Center and Beth Israel Hospital with the ability to perform Doppler examinations of the Carotid arteries; Duplex scans of the abdominal aorta, lower extreminity arteries and veins as well as transthoracic echocardiography. Thus enabling her patients to actually see what damage is occurring to their heart and vascular system because of smoking, hypertension and high cholesterol. She is a member of the New York Cardiology Society and the Society of Valvular Heart Disease.

Elizabeth Muss Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Elizabeth Muss

What company does Elizabeth Muss work for?

Elizabeth Muss works for Dr Elizabeth C Muss

What is Elizabeth Muss's role in his/her workplace?

Elizabeth Muss's role in his/her workplace is Cardiologist.

What is Elizabeth Muss's email address?

Elizabeth Muss's email address is musse21@bigplanet.com

What is Elizabeth Muss's direct phone number?

Elizabeth Muss's direct phone number is +12127539280