Dilanka Praneeth

Dilanka Praneeth Email and Phone Number

It Assistant @ Hemas Holdings Plc
colombo, western, sri lanka

Dilanka Praneeth's Current Company Details


Hemas Holdings Plc

It Assistant
colombo, western, sri lanka
Consumer Goods

Dilanka Praneeth Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Dilanka Praneeth

What company does Dilanka Praneeth work for?

Dilanka Praneeth works for Hemas Holdings Plc

What is Dilanka Praneeth's role in his/her workplace?

Dilanka Praneeth's role in his/her workplace is It Assistant.

Which industry does Dilanka Praneeth work in currently?

Dilanka Praneeth works in the industry Consumer Goods.

Who are Dilanka Praneeth's colleagues?

Dilanka Praneeth's colleagues are Hasini Kithulgoda, Hasini Kithulgoda, Gayan Indika, Gayan Indika, Manoj Asanka, Manoj Asanka, Muhamed Jiyath, Muhamed Jiyath, Fathima Wajeeha, Fathima Wajeeha, and Mohamed Amjath. and Tharangaa Senarathyapa.

Who are Dilanka Praneeth's peers at other companies?

Dilanka Praneeth's peers at other companies are John Uselding, Ronan Roue, N Mabasha Basha.n, Warda Khan, Bill Hopkins, and Irma Yuliana. and Nurul Fahmia. Dilanka Praneeth's peers at other companies are John Uselding, Ronan Roue, N Mabasha Basha.n, Warda Khan, Bill Hopkins, and Irma Yuliana. and Nurul Fahmia.