Desiree Mcgaa

Desiree Mcgaa Email and Phone Number

Assistant Manager @ Rue21
warrendale, pennsylvania, united states

Desiree Mcgaa's Contact Information

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Desiree Mcgaa's Current Company Details


Assistant Manager
warrendale, pennsylvania, united states
Over 10 years of customer service experience. Has leadership experience, also works well with a team or alone. Approaches all situations with enthusiasm and rapidly learns new things.

Desiree Mcgaa Work Experience

Desiree Mcgaa Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Desiree Mcgaa

What company does Desiree Mcgaa work for?

Desiree Mcgaa works for Rue21

What is Desiree Mcgaa's role in his/her workplace?

Desiree Mcgaa's role in his/her workplace is Assistant Manager.

Which industry does Desiree Mcgaa work in currently?

Desiree Mcgaa works in the industry Retail.

What is Desiree Mcgaa's email address?

Desiree Mcgaa's email address is

What schools did Desiree Mcgaa attend?

Desiree Mcgaa attended Oglala Lakota College.

Who are Desiree Mcgaa's peers at other companies?

Desiree Mcgaa's peers at other companies are Shane Masters, Helen Gioulis, Andre White, Durgesh Maurya, Hannah Peters, and Senil Thomas. and Alondra Nunez. Desiree Mcgaa's peers at other companies are Shane Masters, Helen Gioulis, Andre White, Durgesh Maurya, Hannah Peters, and Senil Thomas. and Alondra Nunez.