Dede Sodikin

Dede Sodikin Email and Phone Number

Senior Sales Trainer @ Pt Tvs Motor Company Indonesia

Dede Sodikin's Contact Details

Dede Sodikin phone numbers

Dede Sodikin's Current Company Details

Pt Tvs Motor Company Indonesia

Senior Sales Trainer
Senior Sales Trainer at PT TVS Motor Company Indonesia

Dede Sodikin Work Experience

Dede Sodikin Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Dede Sodikin

What company does Dede Sodikin work for?

Dede Sodikin works for Pt Tvs Motor Company Indonesia

What is Dede Sodikin's role in his/her workplace?

Dede Sodikin's role in his/her workplace is Senior Sales Trainer.

Which industry does Dede Sodikin work in currently?

Dede Sodikin works in the industry Automotive.

What is Dede Sodikin's direct phone number?

Dede Sodikin's direct phone number is +62817100355

What schools did Dede Sodikin attend?

Dede Sodikin attended Nanzan University, Nanzan University. and Universitas Padjadjaran.

What is Dede Sodikin's role in his workplace?

Dede Sodikin has skills like Conduct Sales Training, Sales Management, Sales, Sales Operations, Market Analysis, Automotive, and Marketing Strategy.

Who are Dede Sodikin's colleagues?

Dede Sodikin's colleagues are Thirany Amnesti, Thirany Amnesti, Agus Setyanto, Agus Setyanto, Muhamad Hidayat, Muhamad Hidayat, Joni Kiswanto, Joni Kiswanto, Ali Ramdani, Ali Ramdani, and Arga Widodo. and Achmad Refai.

Who are Dede Sodikin's peers at other companies?

Dede Sodikin's peers at other companies are Jean-Michel Marais, Astrid Dominguez, Kunal Yadmal, Stefan Sura, Dolores Woods, and Gareth Stewart. and Juliano Toledo. Dede Sodikin's peers at other companies are Jean-Michel Marais, Astrid Dominguez, Kunal Yadmal, Stefan Sura, Dolores Woods, and Gareth Stewart. and Juliano Toledo.