Dawn Hahn

Dawn Hahn Email and Phone Number

Laboratory Director, Quest Diagnostics @ Quest Diagnostics
secaucus, new jersey, united states

Dawn Hahn's Contact Details

Dawn Hahn work email

Dawn Hahn personal email


Dawn Hahn phone numbers

Dawn Hahn's Current Company Details


Quest Diagnostics

Laboratory Director, Quest Diagnostics
secaucus, new jersey, united states
Hospital & Health Care

Dawn Hahn Work Experience

  • questdiagnostics.com
    Laboratory Operations Manager
    Quest Diagnostics 1987 - 2013 · 26 yrs
    Secaucus, New Jersey, United States
    * ■ Built a training program to prepare staff for rigorous interview process during semi-annual and quarterly federal inspections. * ■ Seamlessly integrated new practices while acquiring an unusually large amount of work that equated to a 30% overall increase in volume. * ■ Collaborated with multiple business units to share resources and personnel to provide coverage when others were short-staffed. * ■ Reduced overtime hours in one department by 29.8% by instigating new hours of operation.
  • questdiagnostics.com
    Laboratory Director, Quest Diagnostics
    Quest Diagnostics 2013 - Present · 12 yrs 1 mo
    Secaucus, New Jersey, United States

Dawn Hahn Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Dawn Hahn

What company does Dawn Hahn work for?

Dawn Hahn works for Quest Diagnostics

What is Dawn Hahn's role in his/her workplace?

Dawn Hahn's role in his/her workplace is Laboratory Director, Quest Diagnostics.

Which industry does Dawn Hahn work in currently?

Dawn Hahn works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What is Dawn Hahn's email address?

Dawn Hahn's email address is dawn.m.hahn@questdiagnostics.com

What is Dawn Hahn's direct phone number?

Dawn Hahn's direct phone number is +19135771632

What schools did Dawn Hahn attend?

Dawn Hahn attended Ellis University, Ellis University. and Northwestern College, Orange City, Ia.

Who are Dawn Hahn's colleagues?

Dawn Hahn's colleagues are Lawrence Crosby, Lawrence Crosby, Belinda Buchanan, Belinda Buchanan, Mephrine Kamudziaka, Mephrine Kamudziaka, Detrice Fields, Detrice Fields, Carlos Feliciano, Carlos Feliciano, and Michelle Zomighani. and Margaux Zavala.

Who are Dawn Hahn's peers at other companies?

Dawn Hahn's peers at other companies are Maryam Nwaogu, Cynthia Denton, Michael Vella, Kaouani Ahmed, Alexsandra Santos, and Tyonna Williams. and Pam Sharma. Dawn Hahn's peers at other companies are Maryam Nwaogu, Cynthia Denton, Michael Vella, Kaouani Ahmed, Alexsandra Santos, and Tyonna Williams. and Pam Sharma.