David Swoboda

David Swoboda Email and Phone Number

Dentist @ Koboda Dental
dublin, california, united states

David Swoboda's Contact Details

David Swoboda work email

David Swoboda personal email


David Swoboda phone numbers

David Swoboda's Current Company Details


Koboda Dental

dublin, california, united states
Medical Practice

David Swoboda Work Experience

  • kobodadental.com
    Koboda Dental 2007 - Present · 18 yrs 1 mo
    Dublin, California, United States
    Family and Cosmetic Dentistry. Dr. Jennifer H. Kim and Dr. David A. Swoboda are general dentists that provide all phases of dentistry for the entire family, including children as young as 1 year old. The services they provide include the following: preventive dentistry (sealants, space maintainers), cosmetic and restorative dentistry (tooth-colored fillings, teeth whitening, veneers, crowns & bridges), endodontics (root canal treatment), periodontal therapy (soft tissue management, crown lengthening), oral surgery (extraction), prosthodontics (implants, partials & dentures), as well as dentistry to protect your teeth (sports mouthguards, nightguards). For your convenience, we offer early morning, lunchtime, evening, and Saturday appointments. We also offer after-hours care, including 24-hour emergency care.

David Swoboda Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about David Swoboda

What company does David Swoboda work for?

David Swoboda works for Koboda Dental

What is David Swoboda's role in his/her workplace?

David Swoboda's role in his/her workplace is Dentist.

Which industry does David Swoboda work in currently?

David Swoboda works in the industry Medical Practice.

What is David Swoboda's email address?

David Swoboda's email address is dr.swoboda@kobodadental.com

What is David Swoboda's direct phone number?

David Swoboda's direct phone number is +19258298182

What schools did David Swoboda attend?

David Swoboda attended University Of The Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School Of Dentistry, University Of The Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School Of Dentistry. and California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo.

What is David Swoboda's role in his workplace?

David Swoboda has skills like

Who are David Swoboda's colleagues?

David Swoboda's colleagues are

Who are David Swoboda's peers at other companies?

David Swoboda's peers at other companies are Krystal Eckerty, Loretta Easterling, Véronique Faucher, Camila Inagaki, Dennis Konings, and María Mouronte. and Jennifer Martinez. David Swoboda's peers at other companies are Krystal Eckerty, Loretta Easterling, Véronique Faucher, Camila Inagaki, Dennis Konings, and María Mouronte. and Jennifer Martinez.