David Mcfarlane

David Mcfarlane Email and Phone Number

Planning Superintendent @ Bhp
melbourne, victoria, australia

David Mcfarlane's Contact Details

David Mcfarlane work email

David Mcfarlane personal email


David Mcfarlane's Current Company Details



Planning Superintendent
melbourne, victoria, australia
Mining & Metals

David Mcfarlane Work Experience

  • bhp.com
    Planning Superintendent
    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    Planning Superintendent at BHP Billiton

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Frequently Asked Questions about David Mcfarlane

What company does David Mcfarlane work for?

David Mcfarlane works for Bhp

What is David Mcfarlane's role in his/her workplace?

David Mcfarlane's role in his/her workplace is Planning Superintendent.

Which industry does David Mcfarlane work in currently?

David Mcfarlane works in the industry Mining & Metals.

What is David Mcfarlane's email address?

David Mcfarlane's email address is david.mcfarlane@bhpbilliton.com

Who are David Mcfarlane's colleagues?

David Mcfarlane's colleagues are Gagneet Serai, Gagneet Serai, Tim Doger, Tim Doger, Paige Bates, Paige Bates, Andrew Winterfield, Andrew Winterfield, Venkat Subramanian, Venkat Subramanian, and Michael Gibson. and Alec Wiese.

Who are David Mcfarlane's peers at other companies?

David Mcfarlane's peers at other companies are Hilda Poma, Reno Brunsvold, David Smith, Galang Oktovian, Mbako Sekei, and Michael Cowley. and Chanda Nkonde. David Mcfarlane's peers at other companies are Hilda Poma, Reno Brunsvold, David Smith, Galang Oktovian, Mbako Sekei, and Michael Cowley. and Chanda Nkonde.