Damian Iskra

Damian Iskra Email and Phone Number

Rig Mechanic @ Daldrup & Söhne Ag

Damian Iskra's Current Company Details


Daldrup & Söhne Ag

Rig Mechanic
Oil & Energy

Damian Iskra Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Damian Iskra

What company does Damian Iskra work for?

Damian Iskra works for Daldrup & Söhne Ag

What is Damian Iskra's role in his/her workplace?

Damian Iskra's role in his/her workplace is Rig Mechanic.

Which industry does Damian Iskra work in currently?

Damian Iskra works in the industry Oil & Energy.

Who are Damian Iskra's colleagues?

Damian Iskra's colleagues are Marcin Śmietana, Marcin Śmietana, Marek Mac, Marek Mac, Szabolcs Varga, Szabolcs Varga, Patrick Taufenegger, Patrick Taufenegger, Jan Kluge, Jan Kluge, and Marek Macko. and Darko Freitag.

Who are Damian Iskra's peers at other companies?

Damian Iskra's peers at other companies are Ahmed Farag, Carlos Blacio, Andrew Murray, Terence Lindberg, Nicolas Cipriani, and Gallo Ndiaye. and Jean Meyer. Damian Iskra's peers at other companies are Ahmed Farag, Carlos Blacio, Andrew Murray, Terence Lindberg, Nicolas Cipriani, and Gallo Ndiaye. and Jean Meyer.