Constance Matarese

Constance Matarese Email and Phone Number

philadelphia, pennsylvania, united states

Constance Matarese's Contact Details

Constance Matarese work email

Constance Matarese personal email


Constance Matarese's Current Company Details

Penn Medicine, University Of Pennsylvania Health System

Senior Practice Manager
philadelphia, pennsylvania, united states
Hospital & Health Care

Constance Matarese Work Experience

    Medical Supervisor
    Brachfeld Medical Associates Apr 73 - Jan 96 · 22 yrs 9 mos
    Riverside, New Jersey, United States
    Director Of Corporate Services
    Louisville, Kentucky, United States
    Direct all of the core administrative functions of a 27 provider primary care group practice with nine clinical offices in Burlington, Camden and Gloucester counties. Responsibilities include Human Resources, payroll, benefits, retirement plans, purchasing, vendor relationships and OSHA compliance. Built a previously non-existent Human Resource function from scratch including compliance with all necessary Federal and State labor regulations. Developed a program for performance reviews and disciplinary action. The implementation of this program resulted in only 3 unfavorable unemployment decisions in four years and a significant decrease in employee turnover. Restructured the entire employee benefit program moving to more cost effective insurance alternatives for the group. Created a bidding mechanism for major supply purchases. Facilitated accounts payable process by creating a single invoice for all major suppliers, vendors and utility companies. Show less
    Assistant Administrative Director For Department Of Surgery
    Cooper University Health Care Oct 97 - Feb 00 · 2 yrs 4 mos
    Camden, New Jersey, United States
    System Administrator
    Mt Laurel Family Physicians Jan 96 - Sep 97 · 1 yr 8 mos
    Directed the operations of an eight provider (seven physician and one nurse practitioner) primary care family practice. Responsible for all administrative functions within the practice. Developed all new policies and procedures for the day-to-day clinical and front office operations of the practice resulting in increased efficiency, increased patient satisfaction and reduced physician complaints. Planned and supervised major renovations to both office suite locations for the practice. Worked with architect and designer to optimize clinical space and best accommodate patient flow. Coordinated the installation of the Medic Vision computer system for billing and scheduling. Supervised the cross referencing of the previously used Execuflow system to provide for an electronic conversion to the new system. Directed the training for all staff and physicians. Assisted in the inauguration of clinical trials with Concorde Clinical Research. Increased activity from one to eight trials within nine months. Supervised and oversaw the site visit requirements by the pharmaceutical companies.
    Senior Practice Manager
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
    Supports the Director of Outpatient Operations to fulfill the mission of Penn Medicine and UPHS. Responsible for day to day operations of a full service cardiology practice. Instrumental in developing our Vein Center in 2012 at our Cherry HIll and Woodbury Heights locations. This involved developing a team of highly skilled staff to assist the vascular cardiologist during outpatient vein procedures. Additional locations include 2 satelite offices in Moorestown and Vineland, NJ. Financially responsible for a number of accounting units to include generating and maintaining budgets. Exceeded budget of outpatient visit volumes and procedures. Maintains a 3% call abandonment rate as phone volumes increase by 13% annually without additional staffing. Responsible for recruiting and maintaining a well trained clinical and non-clinical support staff. Responsible for the efficiency of the intricate provider schedule that include cardiologists, nurse practitioners, nurses and ultrasound techs. Show less

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Frequently Asked Questions about Constance Matarese

What company does Constance Matarese work for?

Constance Matarese works for Penn Medicine, University Of Pennsylvania Health System

What is Constance Matarese's role in his/her workplace?

Constance Matarese's role in his/her workplace is Senior Practice Manager.

Which industry does Constance Matarese work in currently?

Constance Matarese works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What is Constance Matarese's email address?

Constance Matarese's email address is

What is Constance Matarese's role in his/her workplace?

Constance Matarese has skills like Healthcare Management, and Healthcare Information Technology.

Who are Constance Matarese's colleagues?

Constance Matarese's colleagues are Winner Joy, Winner Joy, Cynthia Cezil, Cynthia Cezil, Yelena Streletsky, Yelena Streletsky, Jian Tan, Jian Tan, Gregory Desobry, Gregory Desobry, and Cynthia Davis. and Mike Dehart.

Who are Constance Matarese's peers at other companies?

Constance Matarese's peers at other companies are Pete John, Bobby Withers, Carles Díez-López, Muhammad Roslan, Jenny Behan, and Tenia Smith. and Alicia Miranda. Constance Matarese's peers at other companies are Pete John, Bobby Withers, Carles Díez-López, Muhammad Roslan, Jenny Behan, and Tenia Smith. and Alicia Miranda.