Cleiton Vdi

Cleiton Vdi Email and Phone Number

Vendedor @ Ambev

Cleiton Vdi's Current Company Details


Food & Beverages

Cleiton Vdi Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Cleiton Vdi

What company does Cleiton Vdi work for?

Cleiton Vdi works for Ambev

What is Cleiton Vdi's role in his/her workplace?

Cleiton Vdi's role in his/her workplace is Vendedor.

Which industry does Cleiton Vdi work in currently?

Cleiton Vdi works in the industry Food & Beverages.

Who are Cleiton Vdi's colleagues?

Cleiton Vdi's colleagues are Wesley Claudino, Wesley Claudino, Macson Chokwe, Macson Chokwe, Donovan Porrill, Donovan Porrill, Camarão Gamer, Camarão Gamer, Vladimir Da Silva Jardim, Vladimir Da Silva Jardim, and Vinicius Bardi. and Yasmim Da Silva.

Who are Cleiton Vdi's peers at other companies?

Cleiton Vdi's peers at other companies are Karen Lynch, Mariana Gaspar, Johannes Arnold, Ellen O'donnell, Larissa Gonçalves, and Oyeleke Olaoluwa. and Sarah Healey. Cleiton Vdi's peers at other companies are Karen Lynch, Mariana Gaspar, Johannes Arnold, Ellen O'donnell, Larissa Gonçalves, and Oyeleke Olaoluwa. and Sarah Healey.