Carynn Valdez

Carynn Valdez Email and Phone Number

Social Media Intern @ Garmin
olathe, kansas, united states

Carynn Valdez's Contact Details

Carynn Valdez work email

Carynn Valdez personal email


Carynn Valdez's Current Company Details


Social Media Intern
olathe, kansas, united states
Consumer Electronics

Carynn Valdez Work Experience

    Social Media Intern
    Garmin ['2014-05-01', 'Present']
    Olathe, Kansas, United States

Frequently Asked Questions about Carynn Valdez

What company does Carynn Valdez work for?

Carynn Valdez works for Garmin

What is Carynn Valdez's role in his/her workplace?

Carynn Valdez's role in his/her workplace is Social Media Intern.

Which industry does Carynn Valdez work in currently?

Carynn Valdez works in the industry Consumer Electronics.

What is Carynn Valdez's email address?

Carynn Valdez's email address is

What are some of Carynn Valdez's interests?

Carynn Valdez has interests in Leadership, Leadership. Design, Design. See 4+see Less, See 4+see Less. Public Relations, Public Relations. Fashion, Fashion. Social Media, Social Media. Film Photography, Film Photography. New Technologies, New Technologies. Fitness, Fitness. Tumblr, Tumblr. Digital Photography, Digital Photography. Journalism, Journalism. Visual Communications, Visual Communications. Travel, Travel. and Health.

Who are Carynn Valdez's colleagues?

Carynn Valdez's colleagues are Doris Tan, Doris Tan, Collin Spence, Collin Spence, Ryan Juliano, Ryan Juliano, Yamini Kumar, Yamini Kumar, Manish Tandon, Manish Tandon, and Nicole Matthes. and Zack Hill.

Who are Carynn Valdez's peers at other companies?

Carynn Valdez's peers at other companies are Oana Plavitu, Berkan Taş, Richard Vasquez, Przemek Wrembel, Babagana Adamu, and Abell Lu. and Michelle Beckers. Carynn Valdez's peers at other companies are Oana Plavitu, Berkan Taş, Richard Vasquez, Przemek Wrembel, Babagana Adamu, and Abell Lu. and Michelle Beckers.