Brennen Gabriel

Brennen Gabriel Email and Phone Number

Voting Machine Technician @ Harp Enterprises
lexington, kentucky, united states

Brennen Gabriel's Contact Details

Brennen Gabriel personal email

Brennen Gabriel phone numbers

Brennen Gabriel's Current Company Details

Harp Enterprises

Voting Machine Technician
lexington, kentucky, united states
Political Organization

Brennen Gabriel Work Experience

    Paris/Boubron County Economic Development Authroity Sep 16 - Jan 17 · 4 mos
    * Developed and implemented marketing plans that promote Paris/Bourbon County * Assembled the EDA board meeting packet, including writing the agenda for the monthly EDA Board Meeting * Composed reports such as Weeks in Review, Executive Directors Reports, and the EDA monthly report and provided the reports to the EDA Board, the Bourbon County Fiscal Court, The City of Pairs Commission
    Paris, Kentucky, United States
    Voting Machine Technician
    Harp Enterprises Jan 19 - Present · 6 yrs 1 mo
    Lexington, Kentucky, United States
    * Install new and upgraded equipment, performs preventative maintenance, and election readiness checks on election hardware and software products * Provides a responsive service in terms of timely equipment maintenance, basic training on systems operation, and advises customers of maintenance items and specifications to assure appropriate user understating of the product * Responsible for accurately and securely maintaining equipment parts inventory and the return of defective parts to the manufacturer, repair products on site * Maintain and strengthen the relationship with Harp Enterprises and Counties in Kentucky and Tennessee served by Harp Enterprises

Brennen Gabriel Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Brennen Gabriel

What company does Brennen Gabriel work for?

Brennen Gabriel works for Harp Enterprises

What is Brennen Gabriel's role in his/her workplace?

Brennen Gabriel's role in his/her workplace is Voting Machine Technician.

Which industry does Brennen Gabriel work in currently?

Brennen Gabriel works in the industry Political Organization.

What is Brennen Gabriel's email address?

Brennen Gabriel's email address is

What is Brennen Gabriel's direct phone number?

Brennen Gabriel's direct phone number is +18597710110

What schools did Brennen Gabriel attend?

Brennen Gabriel attended Nicholas County High School, Nicholas County High School. Bluegrass Community And Technical College, Bluegrass Community And Technical College. and University Of Kentucky.

Who are Brennen Gabriel's colleagues?

Brennen Gabriel's colleagues are Ross Roberson, Ross Roberson, Heloisa Azevedo, Heloisa Azevedo, Roger Baird, Roger Baird, Lssbb Meagan Harp, Lssbb Meagan Harp, Ember Burdette, Ember Burdette, and Debra Ingram. and Ross Roberson.

Who are Brennen Gabriel's peers at other companies?

Brennen Gabriel's peers at other companies are Danielq Petrick, Antoaneta Ivanova, Alain Froger, Hajar B, Gaylyn Smith, and Tommie Eriksson. and Mohammed Megahed. Brennen Gabriel's peers at other companies are Danielq Petrick, Antoaneta Ivanova, Alain Froger, Hajar B, Gaylyn Smith, and Tommie Eriksson. and Mohammed Megahed.