Bonginkosi Ngcamu

Bonginkosi Ngcamu Email and Phone Number

Ftc Stractural Plater And Boilermaker @ Sappi
gauteng, south africa

Bonginkosi Ngcamu's Contact Details

Bonginkosi Ngcamu personal email

Bonginkosi Ngcamu's Current Company Details


Ftc Stractural Plater And Boilermaker
gauteng, south africa
Paper & Forest Products
4 years Apprenticeship programme at Sappi Saiccor 2019-2022. 3 Months FTC as a Qualified Boilermaker at Sappi Saiccor I am currently looking for a Job as Stractural Plater/Boilermaker. It can be a Permanent position or Fixed Term Contract. To my potential employers please contact me i will avail myself for assessments and interview ASAP. #OpenToWork

Bonginkosi Ngcamu Work Experience

    Sampler - Production
    Sappi Aug 17 - Jan 19 · 1 yr 5 mos
    Gauteng, South Africa
    Collecting pulp samples (Viscosity) from different sample points and prepare them for analysis- Bleaching 2,3 and 4.Than i got a Permanent position at Digester (MGO1) Plant.
    Stractural Plater And Boilermaker Apprenticeship
    Sappi Jan 19 - Aug 22 · 3 yrs 7 mos
    Gauteng, South Africa
    * Boilermaker/Stractural Plater Apprenticeship 2019-2022 * Completed Pase 1-4 also completed my Trade Test * I am now qualified as a Boilermaker/Stractural Plater Artisan
    Ftc Stractural Plater And Boilermaker
    Sappi Sep 22 - Present · 2 yrs 5 mos
    Gauteng, South Africa
    * Fabricate steel work as per drawing. * Structural steel work * Able to Draw and interpret different types of drawings * Ability to perform Stick Tig and CO2/Gas welding * Basic Rigging * Plant maintenance and daily plant walkabouts

Bonginkosi Ngcamu Education

    Swinton Fet Costal College
    Mechanical Engineering 2013-01 - 2013-11
    Sidelile High School
    2007-01 - 2011-01

Frequently Asked Questions about Bonginkosi Ngcamu

What company does Bonginkosi Ngcamu work for?

Bonginkosi Ngcamu works for Sappi

What is Bonginkosi Ngcamu's role in his/her workplace?

Bonginkosi Ngcamu's role in his/her workplace is Ftc Stractural Plater And Boilermaker.

Which industry does Bonginkosi Ngcamu work in currently?

Bonginkosi Ngcamu works in the industry Paper & Forest Products.

What is Bonginkosi Ngcamu's email address?

Bonginkosi Ngcamu's email address is

What schools did Bonginkosi Ngcamu attend?

Bonginkosi Ngcamu attended Swinton Fet Costal College, Swinton Fet Costal College. and Sidelile High School.

Who are Bonginkosi Ngcamu's colleagues?

Bonginkosi Ngcamu's colleagues are Gary Sweeney, Gary Sweeney, Debra Gutman, Debra Gutman, Rishendra Bachen, Rishendra Bachen, Rob Gerhardt, Rob Gerhardt, Claude Mattsson, Claude Mattsson, and Sihle Zakwe. and Mathekga Kgatutu.

Who are Bonginkosi Ngcamu's peers at other companies?

Bonginkosi Ngcamu's peers at other companies are Buthelezi Bay, Martina Tarasco, Eduardo Ramirez, Carlota Nelson, Diogo Do Carmo, and Reidun Rønningen. and David Gabrielian. Bonginkosi Ngcamu's peers at other companies are Buthelezi Bay, Martina Tarasco, Eduardo Ramirez, Carlota Nelson, Diogo Do Carmo, and Reidun Rønningen. and David Gabrielian.