Bob Thompson

Bob Thompson Email and Phone Number

san diego, california, united states

Bob Thompson's Contact Details

Bob Thompson personal email


Bob Thompson's Current Company Details

Amylin Pharmaceuticals

san diego, california, united states

Bob Thompson Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Bob Thompson

What company does Bob Thompson work for?

Bob Thompson works for Amylin Pharmaceuticals

Which industry does Bob Thompson work in currently?

Bob Thompson works in the industry Pharmaceuticals.

What is Bob Thompson's email address?

Bob Thompson's email address is

What schools did Bob Thompson attend?

Bob Thompson attended University Of Iowa Roy J. And Lucille A. Carver College Of Medicine.

What is Bob Thompson's role in his/her workplace?

Bob Thompson has skills like Clinical Research, Pharmaceutical Industry, and Clinical Trials.

Who are Bob Thompson's colleagues?

Bob Thompson's colleagues are Kelly Stevens, Kelly Stevens, Seciee Lladi, Seciee Lladi, Terre Thomas, Terre Thomas, James Page, James Page, David Jones, David Jones, and Robb Jacobusse. and David Cushman.

Who are Bob Thompson's peers at other companies?

Bob Thompson's peers at other companies are Paresh Patel, Sandra Wiederschein, Henk E, Giota Agrafiotou, Hussein Shaaban, and Rakesh Kuntal. and Rhonda Bilston. Bob Thompson's peers at other companies are Paresh Patel, Sandra Wiederschein, Henk E, Giota Agrafiotou, Hussein Shaaban, and Rakesh Kuntal. and Rhonda Bilston.