Binod Choubey

Binod Choubey Email and Phone Number

Senior Manager @ Rungta Sons Pvt Ltd @ Rungta Mines Limited
jharkhand, india

Binod Choubey's Current Company Details

Rungta Mines Limited

Senior Manager @ Rungta Sons Pvt Ltd
jharkhand, india
Mining & Metals
10+ years of experience / SAP ABAP RICEF / ABAP on HANA / CDS / AMDP / Implementation , Rollout & Support ProjectsAssess the technical needs of business, evaluate and test the existing SAP features to ensure efficiency in operations and appropriateness to meet business objectives, design and develop applications to enhance existing operations where necessary, and coordinate development activities with other internal professionals.

Binod Choubey Work Experience

Binod Choubey Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Binod Choubey

What company does Binod Choubey work for?

Binod Choubey works for Rungta Mines Limited

What is Binod Choubey's role in his/her workplace?

Binod Choubey's role in his/her workplace is Senior Manager @ Rungta Sons Pvt Ltd.

Which industry does Binod Choubey work in currently?

Binod Choubey works in the industry Mining & Metals.

What schools did Binod Choubey attend?

Binod Choubey attended Bengal Institute Of Technology 121.

Who are Binod Choubey's colleagues?

Binod Choubey's colleagues are Sachidananda Mohanta, Sachidananda Mohanta, Sudhansu Behera, Sudhansu Behera, Kumar Sarangi, Kumar Sarangi, Pratapchandra Dixit, Pratapchandra Dixit, Hitendra Khatua, Hitendra Khatua, and Subhransu Parida. and Tapas Nayak.

Who are Binod Choubey's peers at other companies?

Binod Choubey's peers at other companies are Ron Caputo, Phu Nguyen, Daniele Mossoni, Vishal Ture, Gilmar Branquinho, and Yaohui Guan. and Nikhil Tripathi. Binod Choubey's peers at other companies are Ron Caputo, Phu Nguyen, Daniele Mossoni, Vishal Ture, Gilmar Branquinho, and Yaohui Guan. and Nikhil Tripathi.