Azizuddin Khan

Azizuddin Khan Email and Phone Number


Azizuddin Khan's Current Company Details

Indian Institute Of Technology, Bombay

Higher Education

Azizuddin Khan Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Azizuddin Khan

What company does Azizuddin Khan work for?

Azizuddin Khan works for Indian Institute Of Technology, Bombay

What is Azizuddin Khan's role in his/her workplace?

Azizuddin Khan's role in his/her workplace is Professor.

Which industry does Azizuddin Khan work in currently?

Azizuddin Khan works in the industry Higher Education.

Who are Azizuddin Khan's colleagues?

Azizuddin Khan's colleagues are Abhijeet Alase, Abhijeet Alase, Deepansu Dadich, Deepansu Dadich, Kushagra Nag, Kushagra Nag, Arjun Sable, Arjun Sable, Bhimraj Sable, Bhimraj Sable, and Saju D.s. and Partho Mukherjee.

Who are Azizuddin Khan's peers at other companies?

Azizuddin Khan's peers at other companies are Holly Donkers, Vivek Vasoya, Elliot Shek, Augustine Citrone, Esther Abban, and Ilektra Schulz. and Christopher Ha. Azizuddin Khan's peers at other companies are Holly Donkers, Vivek Vasoya, Elliot Shek, Augustine Citrone, Esther Abban, and Ilektra Schulz. and Christopher Ha.