Arul Kumar

Arul Kumar Email and Phone Number

Customer Care Assistant @ Dufry Group

Arul Kumar's Current Company Details

Dufry Group

Customer Care Assistant

Arul Kumar Work Experience

    Customer Care Assistant
    Basel, Basel-City, Switzerland

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Frequently Asked Questions about Arul Kumar

What company does Arul Kumar work for?

Arul Kumar works for Dufry Group

What is Arul Kumar's role in his/her workplace?

Arul Kumar's role in his/her workplace is Customer Care Assistant.

Which industry does Arul Kumar work in currently?

Arul Kumar works in the industry Retail.

Who are Arul Kumar's colleagues?

Arul Kumar's colleagues are Nuno Martins, Nuno Martins, Khachatur Khachatryan, Khachatur Khachatryan, Elena Belyakova, Elena Belyakova, Taylan Barutçu, Taylan Barutçu, Carolina Nogueira, Carolina Nogueira, and Doga Kaynak. and Eman Al_saied.

Who are Arul Kumar's peers at other companies?

Arul Kumar's peers at other companies are Clare Conlin, Kim Tiller, Erin Bentley, Jacquelyn Harris, Salai Kintha, and Amorn Kankrasang. and Marco Salazar. Arul Kumar's peers at other companies are Clare Conlin, Kim Tiller, Erin Bentley, Jacquelyn Harris, Salai Kintha, and Amorn Kankrasang. and Marco Salazar.