April Faith-slaker

April Faith-slaker Email and Phone Number

Executive Director, Office Of Eviction Defense @ City Of Detroit
detroit, michigan, united states

April Faith-slaker's Contact Details

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City Of Detroit

Executive Director, Office Of Eviction Defense
detroit, michigan, united states
Government Administration
Over 10 years of interdisciplinary experience using both quantitative and qualitative research methods to develop evidence-based program evaluation initiatives, support organizational development, and inform social policy. Expertise in the research, legal and nonprofit professions; experience at the organizational, state and national levels; and proficient at translating and communicating knowledge from one field to another through public speaking, writing, analysis of large databases, data visualization, art and music.

April Faith-slaker Work Experience

  • detroitmi.gov
    Managing Editor
    Political And Legal Anthropology Review Jun 07 - Jan 16 · 8 yrs 7 mos
    Managed the publication of biannual journal issues. Involved communication and collaboration with editors, authors, reviewers, and publishers to facilitate content development and publication.
  • detroitmi.gov
    Researcher And Lecturer
    Northwestern University Sep 08 - Feb 12 · 3 yrs 5 mos
    Evanston, Illinois, United States
    * Conducted research on the use of social science research to inform decisions in legal cases * Managed undergraduate assistants on research projects involving research design, analysis and presentation of findings * Lectured for courses in Learning and Organizational Change program titled “Studies in Organizational Change” and “Tools for Organizational Analysis”
  • detroitmi.gov
    Student Attorney
    Chicago Volunteer Legal Services Jun 06 - Aug 06 · 2 mos
    Chicago, Illinois, United States
    Represented indigent clients and acted as a guardian ad litem, on a student 711 license; conducted client interviews, drafted pleadings, filed motions, and appeared in court to advocate for clients
  • detroitmi.gov
    Student Attorney, Frank J. Remington Center
    * Represented incarcerated clients * included client interviews, research, drafting pleadings * Participated in the Restorative Justice Project * facilitated community-based alternative forms of justice
  • detroitmi.gov
    Education Assistant
    Attea Middle School Aug 03 - May 04 · 9 mos
    * Developed curriculum for children with special needs, implemented programs * Assisted in implementing curriculum in the classroom * Developed curriculum for 6th grade choir, arranged music, directed rehearsals and performances.
  • detroitmi.gov
    Research Assistant, Psychology Department
    University Of Chicago Jun 01 - Jun 03 · 2 yrs
    Chicago, Illinois, United States
    * Collaborated with students and faculty in experimental design and analysis * Collected, organized, recorded, and presented data * Computational Neuroscience Summer Program, 2002
  • detroitmi.gov
    Executive Director, Office Of Eviction Defense
    City Of Detroit Jan 23 - Present · 2 yrs 1 mo
    Detroit, Michigan, United States
  • detroitmi.gov
    Development Consultant, Committee On Legal Aid And Indigent Defendants
    American Bar Association Feb 19 - Aug 20 · 1 yr 6 mos
    Chicago, Illinois, United States
    * collected, analyzed and summarized data of legal aid funding sources to be used by the ABA Resource Center for Access to Justice Initiatives and other national entities. * analyzed fundraising trends and practices within legal services nationwide, and used the data to provide information and to support technical assistance initiatives to bench, bar and legal aid leaders throughout the country.
  • detroitmi.gov
    Director, Resource Center For Access To Justice Initiatives
    American Bar Association Jun 15 - Aug 17 · 2 yrs 2 mos
    Chicago, Illinois, United States
    * provided leadership and support to state supreme courts, bar leaders and civil legal aid leaders, to nurture the creation and expansion of state access to justice commissions. * worked with stakeholders across the country to develop innovative strategies to address barriers to justice in our legal system. * conducted in-depth legal research, writing, publishing, speaking, technical assistance, educational activities, as well as grant development and fund raising support. * conducted empirical research and analysis of pro bono legal services.
  • detroitmi.gov
    Manager Of Research And Evaluation
    Legal Aid Of Nebraska Oct 13 - Jun 15 · 1 yr 8 mos
    Omaha, Nebraska, United States
    * Created and implemented a state-wide research and evaluation program to facilitate evidence-based decision making for the delivery of legal services and to support pro bono initiatives. * Used both quantitative and qualitative research methods, including analysis of client data and U.S. census data, as well as surveying clients and attorneys, to measure effectiveness of services and to maximize benefits to individuals in need of legal services throughout the state. * Developed and shared evaluation practices with the legal field through writing and public speaking.
  • detroitmi.gov
    Research And Policy Analyst
    American Bar Association Apr 12 - Oct 13 · 1 yr 6 mos
    Chicago, Illinois, United States
    * Conducted nation-wide policy research and analysis, report writing, conference presentations and collaboration with committee members for advocacy work for the Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services. Conducted nation-wide policy research and analysis, best practices recommendations, report writing, collaboration with commission members, and managing communications platforms to provide diversion and rehabilitative services to lawyers and judges suffering from addiction and/or mental health issues for the Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs.
  • detroitmi.gov
    Research Associate; Center On Children, Families And The Law
    Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
    * Conducted research and evaluation for the Nebraska Court Improvement Project, working to improve court policies and programs throughout the state. Conducted an analysis of pre-hearing conferences in family law cases, a research study on children’s participation in their foster care hearings, and evaluated the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children as applied in Nebraska - Collaboration with the University of Nebraska faculty, attorneys, judges and Department of Health and Human Services.
  • detroitmi.gov
    Associate Director Of Research Innovations, Access To Justice Lab
    Harvard Law School Sep 17 - Dec 22 · 5 yrs 3 mos
    Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
    * conducting rigorous (randomized control trial) research of access to justice initiatives * working with field stakeholders to develop innovative interventions designed to address various barriers to justice in our legal system. * collaboration with field stakeholders and national entities to meaningfully disseminate research findings to decision-makers across the country. * consulting with legal non-profits (such as legal aid organizations and public defender organizations) about best practices for program evaluation and research methodology

April Faith-slaker Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about April Faith-slaker

What company does April Faith-slaker work for?

April Faith-slaker works for City Of Detroit

What is April Faith-slaker's role in his/her workplace?

April Faith-slaker's role in his/her workplace is Executive Director, Office Of Eviction Defense.

Which industry does April Faith-slaker work in currently?

April Faith-slaker works in the industry Government Administration.

What is April Faith-slaker's email address?

April Faith-slaker's email address is aefaiths@hotmail.com

What schools did April Faith-slaker attend?

April Faith-slaker attended University Of Wisconsin - Madison, University Of Wisconsin - Madison. University Of Chicago, University Of Chicago. and Northwestern University.

Who are April Faith-slaker's colleagues?

April Faith-slaker's colleagues are Sheldon Loyd, Sheldon Loyd, Annie Marbly, Annie Marbly, Bill Tuck, Bill Tuck, Tanya Zajac, Tanya Zajac, William Rice, William Rice, and David Whitaker. and Breonca Mathis.

Who are April Faith-slaker's peers at other companies?

April Faith-slaker's peers at other companies are Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan, Alex Beltramin, Kayla Reno, Amy W, Sinan Kar, and Pedro Silva. and Richard Smith. April Faith-slaker's peers at other companies are Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan, Alex Beltramin, Kayla Reno, Amy W, Sinan Kar, and Pedro Silva. and Richard Smith.