Anselmo Bastian

Anselmo Bastian Email and Phone Number

london, england, united kingdom

Anselmo Bastian's Current Company Details

Fca Fiat Chrysler Automobiles

london, england, united kingdom

Anselmo Bastian Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Anselmo Bastian

What company does Anselmo Bastian work for?

Anselmo Bastian works for Fca Fiat Chrysler Automobiles

What is Anselmo Bastian's role in his/her workplace?

Anselmo Bastian's role in his/her workplace is Encargado.

Which industry does Anselmo Bastian work in currently?

Anselmo Bastian works in the industry Automotive.

Who are Anselmo Bastian's colleagues?

Anselmo Bastian's colleagues are Fernando Acero, Fernando Acero, Marie Freitas, Marie Freitas, Mónica Ana, Mónica Ana, Sergio Sanchez, Sergio Sanchez, Tom Cook, Tom Cook, and Alan Portillo. and Luke Wismer.

Who are Anselmo Bastian's peers at other companies?

Anselmo Bastian's peers at other companies are Miranda Vega, Franklin Sokol, Ismael Back, Sandra Ajavon, Abby Wallace, and Tony Rios. and Brett Weldon. Anselmo Bastian's peers at other companies are Miranda Vega, Franklin Sokol, Ismael Back, Sandra Ajavon, Abby Wallace, and Tony Rios. and Brett Weldon.