Annamaria Cambareri

Annamaria Cambareri Email and Phone Number

Logistics Supervisor @ Palm Bay International
port washington, new york, united states

Annamaria Cambareri's Current Company Details

Palm Bay International

Logistics Supervisor
port washington, new york, united states
Wine And Spirits

Annamaria Cambareri Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Annamaria Cambareri

What company does Annamaria Cambareri work for?

Annamaria Cambareri works for Palm Bay International

What is Annamaria Cambareri's role in his/her workplace?

Annamaria Cambareri's role in his/her workplace is Logistics Supervisor.

Which industry does Annamaria Cambareri work in currently?

Annamaria Cambareri works in the industry Wine And Spirits.

Who are Annamaria Cambareri's colleagues?

Annamaria Cambareri's colleagues are Ryan Oliver, Ryan Oliver, Megan Whitman, Megan Whitman, Alexa Kaplan, Alexa Kaplan, Pasquale Cognetta, Pasquale Cognetta, Martha Herrera, Martha Herrera, and Mark Lyle. and Ajnabi Dost.

Who are Annamaria Cambareri's peers at other companies?

Annamaria Cambareri's peers at other companies are Ciprian Sassu, Willie Ponder, Abeeb Square, Antonio Paolacci, Lucia Mancilla, and Wineplus Salum. and Nicholas Mynsberge. Annamaria Cambareri's peers at other companies are Ciprian Sassu, Willie Ponder, Abeeb Square, Antonio Paolacci, Lucia Mancilla, and Wineplus Salum. and Nicholas Mynsberge.