Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan

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Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan's Current Company Details

Ministerio Del Poder Popular Para La Planificación Y Desarrollo

Ingeniero Civil
Government Administration
Asistentes Universidad de los Andes (VE)

Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan Work Experience

Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan

What company does Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan work for?

Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan works for Ministerio Del Poder Popular Para La Planificación Y Desarrollo

What is Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan's role in his/her workplace?

Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan's role in his/her workplace is Ingeniero Civil.

Which industry does Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan work in currently?

Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan works in the industry Government Administration.

What schools did Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan attend?

Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan attended Universidad De Los Andes (Ve).

What is Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan's role in his workplace?

Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan has skills like Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office, Autocad, Engineering, Project Management, Construction, Civil Engineering, Project Planning, and Construction Management.

Who are Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan's colleagues?

Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan's colleagues are Rony Hernandez, Rony Hernandez, Oriana Ortega, Oriana Ortega, Mónica Quintero, Mónica Quintero, Carmen Herrrera, Carmen Herrrera, Simon Orellana, Simon Orellana, and Angelica Vivas. and Maria Serrano.

Who are Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan's peers at other companies?

Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan's peers at other companies are Emine Karlı, Alexandra Mowinski, Nathalia Di Sevo, Ronald Woodall, Bill Evans, and Clark Johnson. and Katie Baltokiewicz. Andreina Del V. Sanchez Farfan's peers at other companies are Emine Karlı, Alexandra Mowinski, Nathalia Di Sevo, Ronald Woodall, Bill Evans, and Clark Johnson. and Katie Baltokiewicz.