Anahita Karimian

Anahita Karimian Email and Phone Number

seattle, washington, united states

Anahita Karimian's Current Company Details

School Of Visual Concepts

seattle, washington, united states
Higher Education

Anahita Karimian Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Anahita Karimian

What company does Anahita Karimian work for?

Anahita Karimian works for School Of Visual Concepts

What is Anahita Karimian's role in his/her workplace?

Anahita Karimian's role in his/her workplace is Teacher.

Which industry does Anahita Karimian work in currently?

Anahita Karimian works in the industry Higher Education.

What schools did Anahita Karimian attend?

Anahita Karimian attended Islamic Azad University,science And Research Branch.

Who are Anahita Karimian's colleagues?

Anahita Karimian's colleagues are Abu Kahar, Abu Kahar, Jordan Cordas, Jordan Cordas, Nasreen Fareeq, Nasreen Fareeq, Gloria Garba, Gloria Garba, Ravi Kumar, Ravi Kumar, and Lindsey Claxton. and Naina Meer.

Who are Anahita Karimian's peers at other companies?

Anahita Karimian's peers at other companies are Seohyun Park, Gal Ron, Christina Mastrangelo, Carol Cockbill, Richard Velthuizen, and Augustine Citrone. and Tina Wang. Anahita Karimian's peers at other companies are Seohyun Park, Gal Ron, Christina Mastrangelo, Carol Cockbill, Richard Velthuizen, and Augustine Citrone. and Tina Wang.