Amisha Divekar

Amisha Divekar Email and Phone Number

Business Development Executive @ Hike Education
new delhi, delhi, india

Amisha Divekar's Current Company Details

Hike Education

Business Development Executive
new delhi, delhi, india
Education Management

Amisha Divekar Work Experience

    Business Development Executive
    Hike Education Oct 22 - Present · 2 yrs 4 mos
    Haryana, India

Amisha Divekar Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Amisha Divekar

What company does Amisha Divekar work for?

Amisha Divekar works for Hike Education

What is Amisha Divekar's role in his/her workplace?

Amisha Divekar's role in his/her workplace is Business Development Executive.

Which industry does Amisha Divekar work in currently?

Amisha Divekar works in the industry Education Management.

What schools did Amisha Divekar attend?

Amisha Divekar attended Vidya Vikas Universal College - India, Vidya Vikas Universal College - India. and Svkm's Narsee Monjee Institute Of Management Studies (Nmims).

Who are Amisha Divekar's colleagues?

Amisha Divekar's colleagues are Charanjeet Kaur, Charanjeet Kaur, Altaf Ahmad, Altaf Ahmad, Shivangi Gupta, Shivangi Gupta, Deepak Swami, Deepak Swami, Zainab Ansari, Zainab Ansari, and Kajal Tayal. and Shikha Tripathi.

Who are Amisha Divekar's peers at other companies?

Amisha Divekar's peers at other companies are Clare Rayner, Khaoula Sellami, Zahira Alam, Parmjit Singh, Sarah Bilgrami, and Tuğba Kalayci. and Debby Verkissen. Amisha Divekar's peers at other companies are Clare Rayner, Khaoula Sellami, Zahira Alam, Parmjit Singh, Sarah Bilgrami, and Tuğba Kalayci. and Debby Verkissen.