Amanda Alves

Amanda Alves Email and Phone Number

Conciliadora Voluntária @ Tribunal De Justiça De Pernambuco
recife, pernambuco, brazil

Amanda Alves's Current Company Details

Tribunal De Justiça De Pernambuco

Conciliadora Voluntária
recife, pernambuco, brazil

Amanda Alves Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Amanda Alves

What company does Amanda Alves work for?

Amanda Alves works for Tribunal De Justiça De Pernambuco

What is Amanda Alves's role in his/her workplace?

Amanda Alves's role in his/her workplace is Conciliadora Voluntária.

Which industry does Amanda Alves work in currently?

Amanda Alves works in the industry Judiciary.

Who are Amanda Alves's colleagues?

Amanda Alves's colleagues are Andrade Oliveira, Andrade Oliveira, Gildo Machado, Gildo Machado, Cristina Mello, Cristina Mello, George Queiroz, George Queiroz, Donato Tetéo, Donato Tetéo, and Tereza Figueiredo. and Dimitri Acioly.

Who are Amanda Alves's peers at other companies?

Amanda Alves's peers at other companies are Marisol De La Paz Contreras López, Julian Garavito, Daisy Vallin, Rick Martinez, Bastidas Javier, and Ligia Bermudez. and Renata Do Nascimento. Amanda Alves's peers at other companies are Marisol De La Paz Contreras López, Julian Garavito, Daisy Vallin, Rick Martinez, Bastidas Javier, and Ligia Bermudez. and Renata Do Nascimento.