Alyssa Young

Alyssa Young Email and Phone Number

Registered Nurse @ Valleywise Health
phoenix, arizona, united states

Alyssa Young's Contact Details

Alyssa Young work email

Alyssa Young personal email


Alyssa Young's Current Company Details

Valleywise Health

Registered Nurse
phoenix, arizona, united states
Hospital & Health Care
Registered Nurse providing exceptional care to pediatric patients in the acute care setting, using critical thinking skills and responding appropriately to changes in assessment.

Alyssa Young Work Experience

    Compliance Registered Nurse
    Community Bridges Oct 15 - Sep 17 · 1 yr 11 mos
    Mesa, Arizona, United States
    Behavioral Health Technician
    Concentric Healthcare Staffing Nov 11 - May 13 · 1 yr 6 mos
    Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
    Providing direct patient care to behavioral health patients in inpatient and group home settings.
    Registered Nurse
    Valleywise Health Nov 14 - Present · 10 yrs 3 mos
    Phoenix, Arizona, United States
    Providing direct patient care to pediatric patients.
    Registered Nurse
    Phoenix Children'S Hospital 2013 - 2015 · 2 yrs
    Phoenix, Arizona, United States
    Providing direct patient care to pediatric patients.

Alyssa Young Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Alyssa Young

What company does Alyssa Young work for?

Alyssa Young works for Valleywise Health

What is Alyssa Young's role in his/her workplace?

Alyssa Young's role in his/her workplace is Registered Nurse.

Which industry does Alyssa Young work in currently?

Alyssa Young works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What is Alyssa Young's email address?

Alyssa Young's email address is

What schools did Alyssa Young attend?

Alyssa Young attended Grand Canyon University, Grand Canyon University. Grand Canyon University, Grand Canyon University. and State University Of New York College At Oswego.

Who are Alyssa Young's colleagues?

Alyssa Young's colleagues are Paul Halder, Paul Halder, Jordyn R, Jordyn R, Kathleen Hawkins, Kathleen Hawkins, Dixie Mcwilliams, Dixie Mcwilliams, Gordon Jahn, Gordon Jahn, and Jerry Owens. and Antoinette Medina.

Who are Alyssa Young's peers at other companies?

Alyssa Young's peers at other companies are Andrea Jurado, Darlene Gill, Aaron Dickstein, Ardiana Rhs, Neda Nmkohan, and Marcus Singleton. and Mauro Autuori. Alyssa Young's peers at other companies are Andrea Jurado, Darlene Gill, Aaron Dickstein, Ardiana Rhs, Neda Nmkohan, and Marcus Singleton. and Mauro Autuori.