Alexa Fattore

Alexa Fattore Email and Phone Number

Financial Planner @ Corrigan Financial, Inc.
middletown, rhode island, united states

Alexa Fattore's Contact Details

Alexa Fattore personal email

Alexa Fattore phone numbers

Alexa Fattore's Current Company Details

Corrigan Financial, Inc.

Financial Planner
middletown, rhode island, united states
Financial Services
Alexa Fattore, CPA. Tax Senior Associate at Providence Equity Partners. Location: Providence, Rhode Island Area; Industry: Accounting...

Alexa Fattore Work Experience

    Tax Accountant Intern
    Perreault & Co Feb 12 - Mar 12 · 1 mo
    Prepared individual tax returns
    Financial Accounting Intern
    Pyramis Global Advisors May 11 - Dec 11 · 7 mos
    United States
    Tax Manager
    Providence Equity Partners Jun 15 - Jan 19 · 3 yrs 7 mos
    Providence, Rhode Island, United States
    Financial Planner
    Corrigan Financial, Inc. Jan 19 - Present · 6 yrs 1 mo
    Middletown, Rhode Island, United States
    Experienced Tax Associate
    Pwc Jul 12 - Jun 15 · 2 yrs 11 mos
    New York, New York, United States
    Partnership, corporate, REIT and non-profit tax compliance. Corporate provisions FAS109 / ASC740 .

Alexa Fattore Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Alexa Fattore

What company does Alexa Fattore work for?

Alexa Fattore works for Corrigan Financial, Inc.

What is Alexa Fattore's role in his/her workplace?

Alexa Fattore's role in his/her workplace is Financial Planner.

Which industry does Alexa Fattore work in currently?

Alexa Fattore works in the industry Financial Services.

What is Alexa Fattore's email address?

Alexa Fattore's email address is

What is Alexa Fattore's direct phone number?

Alexa Fattore's direct phone number is +18572538591

What schools did Alexa Fattore attend?

Alexa Fattore attended Bryant University, Bryant University. Lincoln School, Lincoln School. Fairfield University, Fairfield University. Fairfield University, Fairfield University. and Bryant University.

What is Alexa Fattore's role in his workplace?

Alexa Fattore has skills like Microsoft Excel, Accounting, Tax Compliance, Provisions, Data Analysis, Superforms, Gosystems, and Microsoft Office.

Who are Alexa Fattore's colleagues?

Alexa Fattore's colleagues are David Silvia, David Silvia, James Fasy, James Fasy, Dan Corrigan, Dan Corrigan, Silvia Styles, Silvia Styles, Ryan Mcvicker, Ryan Mcvicker, and Ralph Salvatore. and Roderick Arnold.

Who are Alexa Fattore's peers at other companies?

Alexa Fattore's peers at other companies are Marnie Butler, Amber Jones, Adya Lauder, Mohd Imran, Clary Rollins, and Cheme Gurung. and Jose Garcia. Alexa Fattore's peers at other companies are Marnie Butler, Amber Jones, Adya Lauder, Mohd Imran, Clary Rollins, and Cheme Gurung. and Jose Garcia.