Alanna Swityk

Alanna Swityk Email and Phone Number

Senior Accommodations Planner @ Government Of Alberta
edmonton, alberta, canada

Alanna Swityk's Contact Details

Alanna Swityk work email

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Alanna Swityk phone numbers

Alanna Swityk's Current Company Details

Government Of Alberta

Senior Accommodations Planner
edmonton, alberta, canada
Government Administration
Senior Accommodations Planner serving the Ministries of Justice & Public Safety and Emergency Services.

Alanna Swityk Work Experience

Alanna Swityk Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Alanna Swityk

What company does Alanna Swityk work for?

Alanna Swityk works for Government Of Alberta

What is Alanna Swityk's role in his/her workplace?

Alanna Swityk's role in his/her workplace is Senior Accommodations Planner.

Which industry does Alanna Swityk work in currently?

Alanna Swityk works in the industry Government Administration.

What is Alanna Swityk's email address?

Alanna Swityk's email address is

What is Alanna Swityk's direct phone number?

Alanna Swityk's direct phone number is +15872242625

What schools did Alanna Swityk attend?

Alanna Swityk attended Mount Royal University, Mount Royal University. and University Of Saskatchewan.

Who are Alanna Swityk's colleagues?

Alanna Swityk's colleagues are Linnea Testerman, Linnea Testerman, Matthew Boonstra, Matthew Boonstra, Laura Purdy, Laura Purdy, Sabrina Charity, Sabrina Charity, Erin Sather, Erin Sather, and Song Wang. and Megan Sherman.

Who are Alanna Swityk's peers at other companies?

Alanna Swityk's peers at other companies are Pim Kaufmann, Michael Demilio, Grethe Ellerås, Nelson Masferrer, Femke Kuipers, and Lian Hsiao. and Daniel Senkolooto. Alanna Swityk's peers at other companies are Pim Kaufmann, Michael Demilio, Grethe Ellerås, Nelson Masferrer, Femke Kuipers, and Lian Hsiao. and Daniel Senkolooto.